[crypto] OAEP AONT (gnu/javax/crypto/mode/OAE.java)

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attached is an OAEP AONT, ready for your comments or cvs



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/* AEP.java -- 
   Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

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package gnu.javax.crypto.mode;

 * <p> An <i>All Or Nothing Transform</i> (AONT) mode using <i>Optimal
 * Asymmetric Encryption Padding</i> (OAEP).  OAEP was created by
 * Mihir Bellare and Phillip Rogaway in their paper "Optimal
 * Asymmetric Encryption" of November 1995.  This software implements
 * the basic scheme described on page eight (8) of that paper, and
 * analyzed by Rivest's student Victor Boyko in his thesis (see
 * references). </p>
 * <h3><a name="implementation">Implementation Notes</a></h3>
 * <ul>
 * <li> This class is implemented as a transform on application (total
 * crypto chain) plaintext.  The OAEP AONT is applied before
 * encryption and after decryption. </li>
 * <li> The AONT is applied to blocks, each block an independent OAEP
 * unit.  </li>
 * <li> The mode block size is distinct from the cipher block size, as
 * OAEP includes an additional hash- digest- size number of bytes in
 * its forward output.  Mode and cipher block sizes are configured and
 * corrected as necessary during mode initialization.  An invalid
 * cipher block size is reset to a cipher block size that produces an
 * OAEP overhead of two or better (less than two). </li>
 * <li> As in {@link BaseMode}, the method {@link
 * gnu.javax.crypto.cipher.IBlockCipher#defaultBlockSize()} returns
 * the cipher block size, and the method {@link
 * gnu.javax.crypto.cipher.IBlockCipher#currentBlockSize()} returns
 * the mode block size. </li>
 * <li> The selection of mode and cipher block sizes has been worked
 * out to be practical in communication for interoperability.  See
 * {@link #blockSizes()} and {@link #init(java.util.Map)}. </li>
 * <li> Instances of this class are stateless with respect to
 * direction of algorithmic operation.  The state of this class is in
 * the configuration of its three processor functions (H, R, and G),
 * each of which are effectively stateless with respect to algorithmic
 * processing in foward and inverse directions.  </li>
 * </ul>
 * <h3><a name="application">Application Notes</a></h3>
 * <ul>
 * <li> The OAEP random seed function (R) does not need to be
 * deterministic (not necessarily a pseudo random sequence), and
 * ideally gets bits from a truly random source.  </li>
 * <li> The OAEP random seed function (R) needs to be able to produce
 * <code>hash-size * mode-input-block-count</code> bytes without
 * exhaustion. </li>
 * <li> The OAEP hash function (H) is irreversible (ie, it is a secure
 * hash function). </li>
 * <li> Refer to Bellare and Rogaway "Optimal Asymmetric Encryption"
 * for information on the required properties of the generator
 * function (G).  This function is deterministic with respect to its
 * input (R).  </li>
 * <li> The OAEP/AONT output under encryption includes the overhead of
 * bytes appended in the size of the hash digest.  The mode block size
 * is the cipher block size minus the hash digest size, or
 * equivalently the cipher block size is the mode block size plus the
 * hash digest size.  OAEP/AONT overhead is the ratio of cipher block
 * size to hash digest size.  For example, when the cipher block size
 * and hash digest size are identical, then the ciphertext will be
 * twice the size of the plaintext for 0% cipher overhead with 100%
 * OAEP overhead on the plaintext.  </li>
 * <li> The "OAEP" algorithm is distinct from and incompatible with
 * the "EME-OAEP" used for "RSA padding". </li>
 * </ul>
 * <h3><a name="initialization">Initialization options</a></h3>
 * <p> This class employs three function objects that may be
 * configured via its setup parameters map.  Defaults are provided as
 * documented.
 * <dl>
 * <dt><a name="InitHash">Hash Function (H)</a></dt> <dd> The init
 * parameter {@link #INIT_H} may have a string value to name a hash
 * function (instance of {@link
 * gnu.java.security.hash.IMessageDigest}) as returned by {@link
 * gnu.java.security.hash.HashFactory#getInstance(java.lang.String)}.
 * Refer to the <code>*_HASH</code> constants defined in {@link
 * gnu.java.security.Registry}.  The default hash function is defined
 * by {@link #INIT_H_DEFAULT}.  </dd>
 * <dt><a name="InitRand">Random Seed Function (R)</a></dt> <dd> The
 * init parameter {@link #INIT_R} may have an object value instance of
 * {@link gnu.java.security.prng.IRandom} which is presumed to be
 * initialized when found.  The rand function object is presumed to be
 * initialized to permit the case of sharing systemic entropy pools.
 * The default random seed function is defined by {@link
 * #INIT_R_DEFAULT}.  </dd>
 * <dt><a name="InitGenerator">Generator Function (G)</a></dt> <dd>
 * The init parameter {@link #INIT_G} may have an object value
 * subclass of the stateless {@link OAE$Generator}.  The default
 * generator function is {@link OAE$Generator}.  </dd>
 * </dl>
 * </p>
 * <h3><a name="background">OAEP as AONT</a></h3>
 * <p> OAEP transforms the text for an "all or nothing" property: an
 * OAEP `ciphertext' decodes to its proper plaintext using only the
 * information in the ciphertext (no key), but only with 100% of the
 * ciphertext.  A partial ciphertext has zero value to analysis. </p>
 * <p> Victor Boyko (MIT) wrote a nice paper in this perspective in
 * August 1999: "On the Security Properties of OAEP as an All- Or-
 * Nothing Transform".  The "AONT" was first proposed by Ron Rivest
 * (MIT) in "All- Or- Nothing Encryption and The Package Transform".
 * Boyko's work has shown that OAEP is provably secure in the random
 * oracle model for two random oracles: a generator (G), and a hash
 * function (H). </p>
 * <p> An AONT like OAEP is an excellent encryption preprocessor for
 * ciphers with plaintext weaknesses, especially Vernam (One Time Pad
 * or XOR) ciphers.  With an AONT under the cipher, the plaintext is
 * completely obscured from analysis. </p>
 * <p> The intented use of this software is for AONT applications: it
 * is not the plaintext aware OAEP (guarantees that a ciphertext can
 * only be produced from a particular plaintext) with padding.  For
 * example, an AONT is valuable where the provable weakness of an
 * encryption algorithm is in partial plaintexts -- as in Vernam
 * streams like RC4.  The AONT encoding of the plaintext ensures that
 * a cipher's partial plaintext (the AONT ciphertext) remains a
 * completely secure message (AONT plaintext).  Refer to the AONT
 * papers by Boyko ("Security Properties of OAEP") and Rivest
 * ("Package Transform") for more information. </p>
 * <h3><a name="references">References</a></h3>
 * <dl>
 * <dt>Optimal Asymmetric Encryption</dt>
 * <dd>Mihir Bellare and Phillip Rogaway, November 1995</dd> 
 * <dt>On the Security Properties of OAEP as an All- Or-
 * Nothing Transform</dt>
 * <dd>Victor Boyko, August 1999</dd> 
 * <dt>All- Or- Nothing Encryption and The Package Transform</dt>
 * <dd>Ron Rivest</dd> 
 * </dl>
 * @author John Pritchard (jdp@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
public final class OAE
    extends BaseMode 

    // Constants and variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * <p> Mode name is "OAE" --- three characters in keeping with
     * structured mode strings format. </p>
    public final static java.lang.String NAME = "OAE";
     * <p> Init attributes parameter name for a hash function name
     * string value for the hash factory. </p>
     * @see gnu.java.security.Registry
     * @see gnu.java.security.hash.HashFactory
     * @see #INIT_H_DEFAULT
     * @see #InitHash
    public final static java.lang.String INIT_H = "gnu.javax.crypto.mode.OAE.name-hash";
     * <p> Default hash function (name) is MD5. </p>
     * @see gnu.java.security.Registry#MD5_HASH
     * @see gnu.java.security.hash.HashFactory
     * @see #INIT_H
     * @see #InitHash
    public final static java.lang.String INIT_H_DEFAULT = gnu.java.security.Registry.MD5_HASH;
     * <p> Init attributes parameter name for a rand function object
     * value.  The rand function object is presumed to be initialized
     * to permit the case of sharing systemic entropy pools. </p>
     * @see #INIT_R_DEFAULT
     * @see #InitRand
    public final static java.lang.String INIT_R = "gnu.javax.crypto.mode.OAE.object-rand";
     * <p> Default rand function (R) is the {@link
     * gnu.java.security.prng.MDGenerator} returned from {@link
     * gnu.java.security.prng.PRNGFactory#getInstance(java.lang.String)}
     * using {@link gnu.java.security.Registry#MD_PRNG} and then
     * initialized with {@link
     * gnu.java.security.prng.MDGenerator.MD_NAME} value {@link
     * gnu.java.security.Registry.SHA160_HASH} (the value of this
     * constant). </p>
     * @see #INIT_R
     * @see #InitRand
    public final static java.lang.String INIT_R_DEFAULT = gnu.java.security.Registry.SHA160_HASH;
     * <p> Init attributes parameter name for a generator function
     * object value, subclass of {@link OAE$Generator}.  The default
     * generator is {@link OAE$Generator}. </p>
     * @see #InitGenerator
    public final static java.lang.String INIT_G = "gnu.javax.crypto.mode.OAE.object-generator";

    private gnu.java.security.hash.IMessageDigest hash;

    private int hash_len;

    private gnu.java.security.prng.IRandom rand;

    private OAE.Generator generator;

    // Constructor(s)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @param cipher The underlying cipher
     * @param cbs Cipher block size, in bytes, in which to operate the
     * underlying cipher.
    public OAE(gnu.javax.crypto.cipher.IBlockCipher cipher, int cbs)
     * Copy constructor used by clone method
    private OAE(OAE copy){

    // Class methods
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Instance methods
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // IBlockCipher interface implementation ------------------------------------------

     * <p> For correctness of operation, this method returns the same
     * set of mode block sizes under both encryption and decryption
     * directions.  This symmetry permits the configuration stage of
     * intialization to consistently choose correct block sizes in
     * both directions (for decoding the encoding of this block size
     * algorithm). </p>
     * @return Mode block sizes filtered to overhead of two or better
     * that correspond to valid cipher block sizes under forward and
     * inverse directions.
    public java.util.Iterator blockSizes(){
	if (null == this.hash)
	    throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Uninitialized");
	else {
	    java.util.Iterator cipher = this.cipher.blockSizes();
	    java.util.ArrayList list = new java.util.ArrayList();
	    int mode_block, cipher_block, hash_len = this.hash_len;
	    while (cipher.hasNext()){
		cipher_block = ((java.lang.Integer)cipher.next()).intValue();
		 * A symmetric block size selection algorithm is
		 * restricted by the encryption case.
		mode_block = (cipher_block-hash_len);
		if (hash_len <= mode_block)/* Only 
					    *    (0 < mode_block), 
					    * is necessary, but reasonable overhead
					    * of two or better results from
					    *    (hash_len <= mode_block).
		    list.add(new java.lang.Integer(mode_block));
	    return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(list).iterator();

    // IMode interface implementation ------------------------------------------

     * <p> Calls super init and then configures hash, rand and
     * generator functions.  Defines mode and cipher block sizes as
     * necessary.  </p>
     * @see #INIT_H
     * @see #INIT_R
     * @see #INIT_G
    public void init(java.util.Map attributes) 
	throws java.security.InvalidKeyException,
	    super.init(attributes);/*(calls setup, nop)
	    java.lang.String name;
	     * Init hash function
	    name = (java.lang.String)attributes.get(INIT_H);
	    if (null == name)
		name = INIT_H_DEFAULT;
	    this.hash = gnu.java.security.hash.HashFactory.getInstance(name);
	    this.hash_len = this.hash.hashSize();
	     * Define mode block size in a consistent way for decoding
	     * our own encodings, and in a readily communicable way
	     * for potential interoperability.
		int block_cipher = this.cipherBlockSize;
		int block_mode = (block_cipher - this.hash_len);
		if (0 < block_mode)
		     * Liberal acceptance for deterministic cipher block sizes 
		    this.modeBlockSize = block_mode;
		else {
		    java.util.Iterator blocks = this.blockSizes();
		    if (blocks.hasNext()){
			while (blocks.hasNext()){
			     * Heuristic block size determination
			     * for something larger rather than
			     * smaller, but not shooting for
			     * greater than 512 bytes for network
			     * throughput performance.
			    block_mode = ((java.lang.Integer)blocks.next()).intValue();
			    if (0xff < block_mode)
			this.modeBlockSize = block_mode;
			 * Depends on impl of (this.blockSizes)
			this.cipherBlockSize = (block_mode + this.hash_len);
			 * Reinit cipher for block size selection
			attributes.put(MODE_BLOCK_SIZE,new java.lang.Integer(this.modeBlockSize));
			attributes.put(CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE,new java.lang.Integer(this.cipherBlockSize));
			if (null == attributes.get(IV))
			    this.iv = new byte[this.modeBlockSize];//(for completeness)
			throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Unable to identify a mode block size to accomodate hash '"+this.hash.name()+"' and cipher '"+this.cipher.name()+"'.");
	     * Init rand function
	    gnu.java.security.prng.IRandom rand;
	    rand = (gnu.java.security.prng.IRandom)attributes.get(INIT_R);
	    if (null == rand){
		name = INIT_R_DEFAULT;
		rand = gnu.java.security.prng.PRNGFactory.getInstance(gnu.java.security.Registry.MD_PRNG);
		java.util.Map params = new java.util.HashMap();
	    this.rand = rand;
	     * Init generator function
	    OAE.Generator generator = (OAE.Generator)attributes.get(INIT_G);
	    if (null == generator)
		generator = new OAE.Generator();
	    this.generator = generator;

    // methods to be implemented by concrete subclasses ------------------------

     * @return Copy of this object as others in this package
     * guarantees a stateless clone type operation in a simple,
     * readable and maintainable way for final classes.  This clone
     * requires initialization.
    public Object clone(){
	return new OAE(this);
     * No op
    public void setup(){
	 *(nop, see init)
     * Releases references to the stateless generator, the independent
     * random seed function, and the private scope hash function.
    public void teardown(){
	this.hash = null;
	this.generator = null;
	this.rand = null;

    public void encryptBlock(byte[] in, int in_ofs, byte[] out, int out_ofs){
	try {
	     * Output to cipher with structure 
	     *     S           +          T
	     *   (ofs 0)                (ofs mode-block-size)
	     *   (len mode-block-size)  (len hash-size)
	     * N.B.  cipher-block-size = (mode-block-size + hash-size)
	    byte[] aont = new byte[this.cipherBlockSize];
	    byte[] R = new byte[this.hash_len];
	    byte[] Gr = this.generator.generate(this.hash,R,this.modeBlockSize);
	    // S = (M xor G(r)) 
	    int idx = 0, aont_idx = 0, in_idx = in_ofs;
	    for (int S; (idx < this.modeBlockSize); in_idx++, idx++, aont_idx++){
		S = (in[in_idx] & 0xff) ^ (Gr[idx] & 0xff);
		aont[aont_idx] = (byte)S;
	    // T = (R xor H( X xor G(r)))
	    byte[] Hx = this.hash.digest();
	    idx = 0;
	    for (int T; (idx < this.hash_len); idx++, aont_idx++){
		T = (R[idx] & 0xff) ^ (Hx[idx] & 0xff);
		aont[aont_idx] = (byte)T;
	catch (gnu.java.security.prng.LimitReachedException lre){
	    java.lang.RuntimeException rex = new java.lang.IllegalStateException("Rand function exhausted.");
	    throw rex;

    public void decryptBlock(byte[] in, int in_ofs, byte[] out, int out_ofs){
	 * Input from cipher with structure 
	 *     S           +          T
	 *   (ofs 0)                (ofs mode-block-size)
	 *   (len mode-block-size)  (len hash-size)
	 * N.B.  cipher-block-size = (mode-block-size + hash-size)
	byte[] aont = new byte[this.cipherBlockSize];
	// H(S)
	byte[] Hs = this.hash.digest();
	// R = T xor H(s)
	byte[] R = new byte[this.hash_len];
	for (int idx = 0, r, T = this.modeBlockSize; (idx < this.hash_len); idx++, T++){
	    r = (aont[T] & 0xff) ^ (Hs[idx] & 0xff);
	    R[idx] = (byte)r;
	byte[] Gr = this.generator.generate(this.hash,R,this.modeBlockSize);
	for (int M, idx = 0, out_idx = out_ofs; (idx < this.modeBlockSize); idx++, out_idx++){
	    M = (aont[idx] & 0xff) ^ (Gr[idx] & 0xff);
	    out[out_idx] = (byte)M;

    // own methods -------------------------------------------------------------

     * <p> Default OAEP Mask Generator (G) function may be subclassed.
     * This class is stateless, it has no fields.  The programming
     * interface presented here presumes that subclasses are likewise
     * stateless. </p>
     * @see OAE#InitGenerator
     * @see OAE#INIT_G
    public static class Generator
	extends java.lang.Object
	protected Generator(){
	 * The stateless OAEP generator function produces a One Time
	 * Pad (OAEP Mask) given a random seed.
	 * @param user Access configured functions
	 * @param R Random seed, offset zero for array length
	 * @param out_len Required pad material, return array length
	 * @return Pad material derived from seed in offset zero for
	 * <code>out_len<code> bytes.
	public byte[] generate(gnu.java.security.hash.IMessageDigest hash, byte[] R, int out_len){

	    int hash_len = hash.hashSize();
	     * Herein lies the security of OAEP
	    int loopbound;
		double lo = out_len, lh = hash_len;

		loopbound = (int)(Math.ceil(lo/lh)); //=>strictfp StrictMath.ceil()

	    byte[] hbuf, mask = new byte[out_len], intbits = new byte[4];

	    int maskofs = 0, R_len = R.length;

	    for ( int i = 0; i < loopbound; i++){



		hbuf = hash.digest();

		if ( (maskofs+hash_len) < out_len)


		else {
		    int copymany = out_len-maskofs;

		    if ( 0 < copymany)

		    return mask;//

		maskofs += hash_len;
	    return mask;//

	 * Pack bits into buf in network (java) byte order
	 * @param bits 32 unsigned bits
	 * @param buf Four bytes
	 * @return buf
	protected final static byte[] Bits32(int bits, byte[] buf){
	    buf[0] = (byte)((bits >>> 24) & 0xff);
	    buf[1] = (byte)((bits >>> 16) & 0xff);
	    buf[2] = (byte)((bits >>>  8) & 0xff);
	    buf[3] = (byte)(bits & 0xff);
	    return buf;

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