Harmony, JavaONE 2007 and other thoughts

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At first I want to say, that I think, it would be nice, if some GNU 
Classpath-developer would already make an appointment for JavaONE 2007 to to 
hold a lecture about GNU Classpath.
So, do it early as possible.

And it seems, that there is no problem, if projects of alternative 
Java-implementations hold a presentation.
Geir wrotes at
>Today during our JavaOne talk (given by Tim and I) I was proud to 
>demonstrate JEdit running on Harmony!

So, why would such a talk not possible with GNU Classpath? GNU Classpath is 
much more advanced then Apache Harmony. So it would be more interesting.

But, register eerly as possible your talk. So that the probability of the 
permission to hold this talk on JavaONE 2007 would be higher.

You can also try to don't mention the word "GNU Classpath".
For example, you can say, that your talk will be about Java on exotic 
hardware and exotic operating systems.
But for the exotic platforms don't existing Suns Java. But a GNU Classpath 
based JVM. And so you have a lead over to change from the subject with the 
exotic platforms to the subject with GNU Classpath.

And now I want to say, what I think about Apache Harmony.

Since it is clear that Apache Harmony don't use GNU Classpath and creating 
its own class library, there existing a problem for GNU Classpath.
Which will be the right way?

If GNU Classpath don't adopt some classes of Harmony (when GNU Classpath is 
under GPLv3+special linking exceptions ore before GPLv3), then the slogan 
"All for one, one for all" is no longer actual.

If GNU Classpath adopt some classes of Harmony, Apache can say "Harmony 
exists without GNU Classpath classes. But GNU Classpath don't run or is 
incomplete without the adopted Harmony-classes".
Thats something which Apache already can say about Suns Java: "Suns Java 
without Apache-Code is an incomplete Java, but Harmony don't have Sun code 
in it".
And so it feels, that Harmony is the one and only.

If GNU Classpath put also it classes under the ASL2, then Harmony only 
profits of it.

If GNU Classpath don't doing it, Harmony and GNU Classpath are in (friendly) 
competition to each other.

But that brings GNU Classpath to a new problem:
At the moment GNU Classpath works on Linux and MacOSX fine.
But Swing don't run on MS-Windows. Amd there existing no GNU Classpath based 
JVM, which tries to be a Sun certified Java version like Harmony tries it to 

And then the future of Harmony is not sure.
At the moment only IBM and Intel spends big chunks of code.
But with this chunks the development the growth of Harmony seems be a 
steeper rise then the rise of GNU Classpath.
And then it could be possible that in some years Harmony is more advanced 
then GNU Classpath.
Imagine: Harmony is only one year old and GNU Classpath already seven years 
or so.

Something like this is already known with Kaffe.
It begins before GNU Classpath exists. And all the classes are GPL-only 
licensed. Non of these classes are integrated in GNU Classpath. But GNU 
Classpath grows faster. And so Kaffe adopt the GNU Classpath classes and 
helps to improve it, instead of its own classes which a little bit longer 

Now Harmony is the new kid. But it seems that it grows harder then GNU 

At the moment GNU Classpath are the more advanced Java-classes.

But lets look, which will be at first nearly 100% compatible to Suns Java.


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