Hi All, Here is a nice Friday task if anyone is running out of things to do for the week (as if). The following packages have no description on the front page of our API docs - this is either because the package.html file contains an empty description, or package.html is missing entirely (in which case you can copy one from another package and amend the title and description accordingly). So if you know something about any of the following packages, please add/update the package.html file for it (so the front page of our API docs looks a little more polished). The description is just one or two sentences that describe what the package provides (only the first sentence appears on the front page). It would be nice to get this done in time for the next release in May - better still, by the end of next week! java.awt.image.renderable java.rmi.activation java.rmi.dgc java.rmi.registry java.rmi.server java.security java.security.acl java.security.cert java.security.interfaces java.security.spec javax.crypto javax.crypto.interfaces javax.crypto.spec javax.imageio.event javax.imageio.metadata javax.imageio.plugins.bmp javax.imageio.spi javax.imageio.stream javax.management javax.naming javax.naming.directory javax.naming.event javax.naming.ldap javax.naming.spi javax.net javax.net.ssl javax.print javax.security.auth javax.security.auth.callback javax.security.auth.login javax.security.auth.spi javax.security.auth.x500 javax.security.cert javax.security.sasl javax.sound.midi javax.sound.midi.spi javax.sound.sampled javax.sound.sampled.spi javax.sql javax.transaction javax.transaction.xa javax.xml javax.xml.stream javax.xml.stream.events javax.xml.stream.util org.ietf.jgss org.omg.Dynamic org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactoryPackage org.omg.IOP org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage org.omg.IOP.CodecPackage org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage org.omg.PortableServer.CurrentPackage org.omg.PortableServer.portable org.omg.SendingContext org.w3c.dom org.w3c.dom.bootstrap org.w3c.dom.css org.w3c.dom.events org.w3c.dom.html2 org.w3c.dom.ls org.w3c.dom.ranges org.w3c.dom.stylesheets org.w3c.dom.traversal org.w3c.dom.views org.w3c.dom.xpath Thanks! Dave