Hi all, These last few days I've been working on improving aot-compile-rpm. The first improvement is the long promised abstraction of the non- rpm-specific bits: aot-compile-rpm is now joined by a command-line driven brother, aot-compile, which otherwise does exactly the same thing. This will hopefully be nice for any of you Debian guys who want to BC-compile your packages for gcj. The second improvement is that instead of invoking gcj itself, aot- compile and aot-compile-rpm generate makefiles and invoke make on them. This is of little consequence to aot-compile-rpm, however aot-compile allows you to pass flags to make, so you can pass it -j2 and have a faster build. ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/rhug/java-gcj-compat-1.0.53.tar.gz Cheers, Gary