Re: There has gotta be an easy answer - binding commands to keys ??

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Hi Sven;
Thank you for your time and trouble.
On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 21:21 +0100, Sven Arvidsson wrote:> On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 14:36 -0500, William Case wrote:> > Hi;> > I would like to bind a particular unicode to a> > specific key or modifier + key (eg. Super + y = ctrl+shift+u2714). > > How would I do that in gconf-editor metacity keybinding_commands?> > If I can write a bash script to do it, can I bind the script?> > Or,> > How do I write <Ctrl> + <Shift> + U + 2714 so that an application will> > read all the key strokes?> > Or,> > Is there a way to add U2714 to the compose list?> > 

> I have very little experience with inputting unicode chars, but did some> digging, hopefully some of these links can be of some assistance to you:>         Means of Composing Accented Characters in X Window System>>         - Tips for extending the compose list.>         Latin Plus: An Input Method Module for GTK+>>         - Seems to be another way of using the compose key.>         How to Type Letters with Accents in GNOME>>         - Describes a multikey, no idea how this differs from compose.> > HTH,
I carefully read your suggested sites.  None of them really answer thequestion.  They variously show how to create a compose key which Ialready have. (I use the Windows Menu key for compose in Linux). I useit for é etc. And/or, they explain how to use Ctrl+Shift+U unicodenumber - which I can already do.
However, U2714 is a 'checkmark'( ✔ ) which I use quite frequently.U2714 is difficult to remember; particularly when trying to rememberother codes as well.  I wanted to assign the checkmark to a key or keycombination which is more mnemonic like, say, Super_L (Super_L = all MyCreated shortcuts) + y (y = yes = checkmark).  There are two possiblesolutions that I can see that shouldn't be too difficult but I don'tknow how to go about accomplishing either of them.
1) Through MetaCity or any other GTK mechanism, create a command that isequivalent to <Ctrl><Shift>U2714 and then bind that command to Super_L +y.
keybinding_commands seem to only take predefined commands; not scriptsor macros with keystrokes. For example, command_2  mail_notification -u;then bind command_2 to <Ctrl><Alt> u to get the mail notifier, in orderto check my mail from anywhere in Gnome.  I have tried command_3<Ctrl><Shift>U2714 to no avail.
Or, another possible solution:
2) is to use the compose key so that 'compose y' (or some combinationthereof) produces U2714.  The problem is that while the compose listsoffered have a great many possible combinations for symbols and accentedcharacters they do not include the checkmark nor do the sites you havesuggested show how to add the checkmark to the compose list.
I would have thought that creating some kind of special key for aspecial character or symbol assignment would have been easy inLinux/gnome.  In one sense I have spent far more time on this questionthan it ostensibly warrants.  On the other hand, to me, it has become anissue crying out to be solved.
-- Regards Bill
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