Re: Dual screen usage best practices?

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On Wed, 2006-12-06 at 10:14 +0100, Martin Man wrote:
> Hi all,
> [ please CC me on the replies ]
> I know this is more "X in general" type of question, but since I use 
> gnome why not trying to ask here.
> I'm using laptop almost exclusively, and at home I'm also attaching 
> second CRT to have dual screen setup. It works quite ok, and survives 
> suspend/resume and uses both screens so that I have a huge desktop.
> As I'm almost exclusively using suspend/resume and never reboot my 
> laptop unless really needed, my questions would be:
> 1) Is it possible to dynamically disable screen that is not connected 
> (as when my CRT is unplugged from the laptop), and if not, is it 
> possible to tell metacity that this screen is not physically there so 
> that it can not place windows there until I tell him otherwise?

On FC6 with nv driver this requires a restart of X aka logout and login
( using xinerama ).

With nvidia driver it is possible to stretch display dynamically ( using
twinveiw ) . suspend/resume has issue with nvidia driver.

> 2) Is it possible to make certain windows appear always on certain 
> screens, and if so give them also some special attributes? I know 
> devilspie can do some window manipulation, but is someone using it with 
> dual screen setup?
> could you share your portable laptop + dual screen setup best practices?

This is usually a personal choice. My second display connected to my
laptop is rotated left for easy reading of documents.

> thanx,
> Martin
> P.S. if possible I'd like to do most of the things without restarting X
Ritesh Khadgaray
LinuX N Stuff
Ph: +919822394463
Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

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