garnome-2.14.0 composed of 267 packages, and there are complicate dependencies between different libs. usually not all of them are wanted, in case garnome is to be built from scratch, here is the order to take to avoid depency problem. information extracted from garname Makefile's `LIBDEPS=' directive. there seem to be recursive dependencies defined in `LIBDEPS+=' directive, dependency introduced by these directives are not listed here. also some other libs required but not included in garnome, like libexif etc. you want to build them as needed. here is the list, the whole build process divided into 19 round, libs in round 2 depend on libs in round 1, round 3 depend on 2, maybe also depend on 1, and so on. 1. 1. platform/libart_lgpl 2. platform/libxml2 3. freedesktop/render 4. bootstrap/expat 5. freedesktop/glitz 6. bootstrap/freetype 7. bootstrap/libdaemon 8. freedesktop/icon-naming-utils 9. bootstrap/libtool 10. office/fribidi 11. bootstrap/gnome-common 12. platform/audiofile 13. bootstrap/iso-codes 14. bootstrap/libtheora 15. geektoys/gnokii 16. bootstrap/pwlib 17. desktop/startup-notification 18. matchbox/xsettings-client 19. #bindings/pyspi 20. bootstrap/musicbrainz 21. bindings/libsigc++ 2. 1. freedesktop/xrender 2. freedesktop/fontconfig 3. freedesktop/tango-icon-theme 4. freedesktop/pkg-config 5. platform/intltool 6. platform/esound 7. platform/libxslt 8. bootstrap/gettext 9. bootstrap/opal 10. desktop/gnome-icon-theme 11. desktop/libxklavier 12. bindings/libxml++ 3. 1. freedesktop/cairo 2. freedesktop/libxft 3. freedesktop/xcursor 4. platform/gtk-doc 5. desktop/scrollkeeper 4. 1. platform/glib 2. desktop/gnome-doc-utils 5. 1. fifth-toe/loudmouth 2. fifth-toe/gnet 3. freedesktop/shared-mime-info 4. office/libgda 5. platform/atk 6. platform/pango 7. platform/libIDL 8. geektoys/gmime 9. geektoys/libgnomecups 10. bootstrap/gamin 11. hacker-tools/gob2 12. desktop/gnome-menus 13. desktop/gstreamer 14. desktop/gnome2-user-docs 15. desktop/libgtop 16. desktop/libsoup 17. bindings/glib-java 18. bindings/glibmm 19. bindings/pygobject 6. 1. fifth-toe/pan 2. freedesktop/desktop-file-utils 3. platform/gtk+ 4. platform/ORBit2 5. platform/gnome-mime-data 6. matchbox/libmatchbox 7. matchbox/matchbox-themes-extra 8. desktop/libgnomeprint 9. desktop/libcroco 10. bindings/cairo-java 7. 1. fifth-toe/gftp 2. fifth-toe/xchat 3. fifth-toe/bluefish 4. freedesktop/poppler 5. freedesktop/dbus 6. office/enchant 7. platform/GConf 8. platform/libglade 9. platform/libbonobo 10. geektoys/monkey-bubble 11. geektoys/gnome-menu-editor 12. geektoys/gworldclock 13. geektoys/gkrellm 14. geektoys/libgksuui1.0 15. geektoys/libgksu1.2 16. bootstrap/firefox 17. matchbox/matchbox-desktop 18. matchbox/matchbox-nest 19. matchbox/matchbox-panel-manager 20. matchbox/matchbox-panel 21. matchbox/mb-applet-volume 22. matchbox/matchbox-common 23. desktop/gnome-keyring 24. desktop/libwnck 25. desktop/vte 26. bindings/gtkmm 27. bindings/libgtk-java 28. bindings/pyorbit 8. 1. fifth-toe/seahorse 2. freedesktop/hal 3. platform/libgnomecanvas 4. geektoys/gksu 5. geektoys/devilspie 6. geektoys/tagtool 7. matchbox/matchbox-window-manager 8. desktop/metacity 9. desktop/notification-daemon 10. desktop/gtk-engines 11. desktop/libnotify 12. desktop/gnome-speech 13. bindings/libgconf-java 14. bindings/gconfmm 15. bindings/libglademm 16. bindings/libgnomecanvasmm 17. bindings/pygtk 18. bindings/libgnomemm 9. 1. admin/sabayon 2. fifth-toe/gimp 3. platform/gnome-vfs 4. platform/gail 5. geektoys/libgpod 6. geektoys/gnome-theme-extras 7. geektoys/libbtctl 8. desktop/gnome-themes 9. desktop/zenity 10. desktop/libgnomeprintui 11. bindings/libgnomeuimm 10. 1. office/libgsf 2. platform/at-spi 3. platform/libgnome 4. desktop/libgtkhtml 5. desktop/gtkhtml 6. desktop/gtksourceview 7. desktop/gst-plugins-base 8. bindings/gnome-vfsmm 11. 1. office/goffice 2. platform/libbonoboui 3. geektoys/gst-plugins-bad 4. geektoys/gst-plugins-ugly 5. geektoys/screem 6. geektoys/gst-ffmpeg 7. mono/gtk-sharp1.0 8. hacker-tools/dogtail 9. desktop/gnome-mag 10. desktop/librsvg 11. desktop/system-tools-backends 12. desktop/gst-plugins-good 13. desktop/evolution-data-server 14. bindings/gst-python 15. bindings/libgnome-java 12. 1. fifth-toe/rhythmbox 2. fifth-toe/gaim 3. office/gnome-spell 4. office/present 5. platform/libgnomeui 6. geektoys/contact-lookup-applet 7. mono/gecko-sharp1.0 8. mono/mono 9. mono/gtksourceview-sharp2.0 10. mono/gecko-sharp2.0 11. mono/gtksourceview-sharp1.0 12. desktop/gdm 13. bindings/libglade-java 13. 1. fifth-toe/gthumb 2. fifth-toe/grip 3. fifth-toe/tsclient 4. fifth-toe/firestarter 5. fifth-toe/gossip 6. office/libgnomedb 7. office/planner 8. office/dia 9. office/glabels 10. geektoys/gnome-cups-manager 11. geektoys/gtkpod 12. geektoys/revelation 13. geektoys/gnome-gpg 14. geektoys/thoggen 15. geektoys/gnome-mount 16. geektoys/gnome-phone-manager 17. geektoys/liferea 18. geektoys/gnomebaker 19. geektoys/gnome-bluetooth 20. geektoys/gnome-pkgview 21. mono/monodoc 22. mono/tomboy 23. hacker-tools/devhelp 24. hacker-tools/alleyoop 25. hacker-tools/ghex 26. hacker-tools/gazpacho 27. desktop/gucharmap 28. desktop/gnome-nettool 29. desktop/evolution-webcal 30. desktop/gconf-editor 31. desktop/libgnomesu 32. desktop/gnome-terminal 33. desktop/gnome-desktop 34. desktop/epiphany 35. desktop/gnome-screensaver 36. desktop/gnome-volume-manager 37. desktop/gnome-system-monitor 38. desktop/eog 39. desktop/gnome-games 40. desktop/evince 41. desktop/yelp 42. desktop/gcalctool 43. desktop/sound-juicer 44. desktop/gnome-power-manager 45. desktop/gnome-system-tools 46. desktop/gnome-session 47. desktop/gnome-keyring-manager 48. desktop/vino 49. desktop/gal 50. desktop/dasher 51. desktop/gok 14. 1. office/gnumeric 2. office/mergeant 3. geektoys/epiphany-extensions 4. geektoys/gnome-games-extra-data 5. geektoys/gwget 6. mono/mono-tools 7. mono/monodevelop 8. mono/gtk-sharp2.0 9. hacker-tools/glade 10. desktop/gnome-panel 11. desktop/gnome-backgrounds 12. desktop/gnopernicus 13. desktop/bug-buddy 14. desktop/eel 15. 1. fifth-toe/conglomerate 2. freedesktop/avahi 3. office/gnome-pilot 4. geektoys/netapplet 5. geektoys/wireless-applet 6. geektoys/lock-keys-applet 7. geektoys/netspeed_applet 8. geektoys/quick-lounge-applet 9. mono/muine 10. mono/f-spot 11. mono/evolution-sharp 12. hacker-tools/mlview 13. desktop/fast-user-switch-applet 14. desktop/gnome-netstatus 15. desktop/gnome-utils 16. desktop/gnome-applets 17. desktop/libgail-gnome 18. desktop/nautilus 16. 1. office/abiword 2. office/gnome-pilot-conduits 3. mono/beagle 4. hacker-tools/at-poke 5. desktop/nautilus-cd-burner 6. desktop/totem 7. desktop/ekiga 8. desktop/file-roller 9. desktop/control-center 10. bindings/gnome-python 17. 1. admin/pessulus 2. geektoys/gnome-blog 3. hacker-tools/meld 4. desktop/evolution 5. desktop/gnome-media 6. bindings/gnome-python-extras 18. 1. geektoys/gDesklets 2. geektoys/mail-notification 3. desktop/gnome-python-desktop 4. desktop/evolution-exchange 19. 1. desktop/deskbar-applet 2. desktop/gedit _______________________________________________ gnome-list mailing list gnome-list@xxxxxxxxx