Re: howto start a window/application at a defined possition on the desktop ?

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Juergen asked:
I just wonder
how I can start start a window/application at a defined possition on
the desktop ?

On Linux systems try "man X" to read about many X options.

Most applications honor the "-geometry wxh+x+y" option where w,h,x,y are all integers giving the width, height, x and y location in pixels. You can skip some of these but will have to experiment with partial specifications.

X is measured from the left side and Y from the top. Usually these apply to your application's "real" window and don't include the "decoration" (borders and banners) added by the window manager.

Much of this can also be stored in a file, loaded by "xrdb", and then used by an application, if it decides to do so. The file contains lines like

paraview*font: -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1
xpdf*Background: white

If the file has a special name, like .Xdefaults or .xresources, it is loaded automatically. However, the special name varys from system to system so I load the file myself with a line in .cshrc or .login.

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