Hi there!
After too many months of abstinence, the Gnome Bugsquad team will run one
of their famous Bug Days.
Date: Thursday, December 29th, 2005.
Time: 1500-0300 UTC (10AM-10PM EST, 1600-0400 CET)
Where: In IRC: irc.gnome.org
channel: #bugs is where all the good action will occur
'Damn, then I don't have time ...' - No problem, you can hop by our irc
channel at virtually any time and ask for guidance. You sometimes may need
to wait patiently for some answer, as usual in irc land.
You will have the honour and opportunity to give our brand-new bugzilla
bug tracking system a spin. Olav and Elijah have done some remarkable work.
Bug hunting has never been so easy and efficiently before!
What exactly is a 'bug day'?
Bug day is a day when we get together on IRC, scrutinise bug reports, and
bugzilla so that developers can get more work done by focusing on bugs that
matter instead of dealing with duplicates, unconfirmable bugs, and things
they've already closed.
Where can I get more information?
Bug days have a wiki page now:
Who can help at a bug day?
Virtually anyone. Bug day can be for the very timid, the
very quiet, or the very persistent.
You do need:
* a user-level knowledge of GNOME
* a rather recent version of GNOME (jhbuild etc. are _not_ required)
* 30 or so minutes of the day (the first time, after that you can do it
in very small chunks.)
You *don't* need:
* any programming ability
* any prior experience with QA
* a deep understanding of GNOME.
On the other hand, if you do have programming ability, it's also a great
way to get involved - after a few bug days, you can figure out quickly what
needs help in Gnome and apply your talents there.
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