Hi list,
I use Gnome 2.8.3 on Debian Sarge on a amd64 machine.
Sound on this box woks fine, i can play mp3s with xmms and watch movies
with mplayer. I can also control the volume with theese apps.
What does not work, is the mixer applet in the panel. I can drag the
slider upwards, but it immediately snaps down again.
I have not been able to find out which device file the mixer applet
tries to use, the help is very sparse. Trying to open the volume control
Sorry, no mixer elements and/or devices found
Again, which devices is it trying to open ???
Thanks for any help,
Heinrich Rebehn
University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -
Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax : -3341
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