This Week's GNOME Summary

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This is the GNOME Summary for 2004-02-22 - 2004-02-28
Table of Contents

1. Robert Love's Presentation from FOSDEM
2. GIMP 2.0 Previewed
3. Evolution UI updates
4. A Look at CVSGnome
5. GTK+/Glib/Pango 2.3.3 Unstable Released
6. Gnome Booth at Malaga!
7. Hacker Activity
8. Gnome Bug Hunting Activity
9. Translation status
10. New and Updated Software

1. Robert Love's Presentation from FOSDEM

Robert Love (a.k.a rml) has put up the slides of the presentation that he
gave at this year's FOSDEM conference. It is quite an interesting account
of RML's vision of the Linux kernel and the Linux desktop. If there is
anyone who has not been following the progress of Project Utopia, these
slides should serve as a nice introduction.

Apparently there was some confusion about the identity of Robert Love,
with some GNOME hackers commenting that "Novell cunningly sent a
rock-star-like stand-in for Robert while the real Robert was probably
still locked in a basement somewhere in wintery Boston hammering out
code." Hopefully the mixup has been cleared up. ;-)

2. GIMP 2.0 Previewed

Brice Burgess has put up a nice preview of the upcoming GIMP 2.0 at
newsforge.  The author says - "The current onslaught of enhancements makes
it much easier to adopt the GIMP as my default image editor and do away
with the others" - and he is definitely right. Dockability rocks!!

3. Evolution UI updates

Chris Toshok has written about some updates to the contact editor that
adds the ability to add instant messaging account information that
contains location information. As of this writing, most IM services are
supported. It might be interesting to get online status information if
that's possible with the current UI format.

4. A Look at CVSGnome

Our special feature this week is a look at CVSGnome, a build system for
GNOME developed by Ali Akgaac. We have written about the other build
systems like jhbuild and garnome and a feature about CVSGnome the third
GNOME build system seems appropriate. Ali has written up a description
about what the project is, how it came about, and how to get started using

CVSGnome is a very known and successful build solution for people who like
to build a bleeding edge GNOME Desktop. It's able to build from either
released Tarballs or CVS depending on what the user likes.

The idea for CVSGnome came way back around 1999-2000 when I was sitting
here at home compiling GNOME 1.x from sources and where I needed to enter
configure && make && make install all the time.

After a while it became boring and thus I wrote a bash script which did
the trick for me automagically. After some years passed, CVSGnome became a
really mature build solution which is able to deal with CVS checkouts, and
Tarballs.  It's also able to deal with local copies of the checkouts and
updates them whenever required. It works as a powerful wrapper to build
other GTK+ or GNOME programs by exporting all sorts of required
environment variables correctly. It can be burned on CD-Rom together with
the Tarballs where it can be used to build a GNOME Desktop straight from
CD-Rom. And last but not least it can be used in so called build farms to
permanently update and build GNOME in real time.

So if you like to be on the bleeding edge desktop then CVSGnome is what
you may consider trying because it has been proven for many years. A lot
of care went into the script and it has a large user base.

Now some easy instructions: 

1. Get CVSGnome from Read the
Instructions, FAQ and ChangeLog

2. Search for 'PREFIXDIR="/opt/gnome26"' inside the script and change it
to a prefix you like to install GNOME e.g. 'PREFIXDIR="/home/>yourname</
gnome2"' or simply keep the defaults

3. Run the Script by executing either './cvsgnome world' to build from CVS
or './cvsgnome world stable' to build from released Tarballs depending
what you want.

4. That's all. Simply sit down and enjoy the show. There is no need to do
anything else. No manual download of Tarballs or CVS, no creating of
directories or whatever.

Of course your System should be suited with development tools like GCC,
Binutils, Make, Patch, Docbook XML/XSLT Stylesheets and all kinds of
headerfiles because without them you can't build anything.

Further German documentation can be found on the official German GNOME
support site:

5. GTK+/Glib/Pango 2.3.3 Unstable Released

The latest unstable release of GTK+, Glib and Pango have been released for
your bug testing pleasure. The notable things in this release are API/UI
changes in the GTK Filechooser by Federico, Seth, and Jonathan
Blandford(jrb) which have been posted in Footnotes previously.

GTK+ short for Gimp Tool Kit, is Free Software general purpose toolkit. 

6. Gnome Booth at Malaga!

Several GNOME Fans put on a GNOME Booth at the 1st Open Source World
Confernece in Malaga, Spain held in early February. The conference
received a great deal of coverage due to the attendance of her Royal
Majesty, the Principe de Asturias, Felipe de Borbon at the conference
inauguration! GNOME was present with some nice displays and leaflets.
Overall, over 8,000 attended, from students to CEOs. Much thanks to the
Gnome Spanish folks in putting together the booth and getting our name

7. Hacker Activity

Thanks for Paul Warren for these lists.

Most active modules:
 137 gtk+
 90 evolution
 67 gimp
 58 gnome-applets
 56 beast
 52 nautilus
 44 gnome-media
 42 muine
 40 epiphany
 40 gnome-panel
 35 gnome-control-center
 34 rhythmbox
 34 galeon
 31 eog
 30 gdesklets
 29 balsa
 29 glib
 28 conglomerate
 28 gnome-utils
 26 gnome-games
[182 active modules omitted]

Most active hackers:
 95 adrighem
 62 danilo
 52 jordim
 52 karunakar
 50 laurenti
 47 matthiasc
 42 serrador
 39 dsmit
 36 pkst
 36 alastairmck
 36 plaes
 36 timj
 34 mitr
 33 fejj
 32 adamw
 31 redfox
 31 jbaayen
 29 menthos
 29 cwryu
 27 owen
[179 active hackers omitted]

8. Gnome Bug Hunting Activity

This information is from, which hosts bug and feature 
reports for most of the Gnome modules. If you would like to join the bug hunt, 
subscribe to the gnome-bugsquad mailing list.

Currently open: 10530 (In the last week: New: 670, Resolved: 638, Difference: 

Modules with the most open bugs (excluding enhancement requests): 

  nautilus: 703 (In the last week: New: 68, Resolved: 34, Difference: +34)
  gtk+: 572 (In the last week: New: 62, Resolved: 118, Difference: -56)
  control-center: 257 (In the last week: New: 26, Resolved: 19, Difference: +7)
  gnome-vfs: 255 (In the last week: New: 5, Resolved: 6, Difference: -1)
  GnuCash: 226 (In the last week: New: 3, Resolved: 5, Difference: -2)
  gnome-panel: 211 (In the last week: New: 27, Resolved: 34, Difference: -7)
  gnome-applets: 158 (In the last week: New: 41, Resolved: 30, Difference: +11)
  galeon: 145 (In the last week: New: 27, Resolved: 24, Difference: +3)
  GStreamer: 134 (In the last week: New: 23, Resolved: 29, Difference: -6)
  doxygen: 134 (In the last week: New: 13, Resolved: 2, Difference: +11)
  sawfish: 121 (In the last week: New: 0, Resolved: 0, Difference: 0)
  balsa: 121 (In the last week: New: 2, Resolved: 1, Difference: +1)
  dia: 120 (In the last week: New: 3, Resolved: 29, Difference: -26)
  Gnumeric: 110 (In the last week: New: 10, Resolved: 8, Difference: +2)
  rhythmbox: 108 (In the last week: New: 15, Resolved: 13, Difference: +2)
Gnome Bugzilla users who resolved or closed the most bugs: 
  otaylor redhat com: 103 bugs closed.
  lrclause uiuc edu: 29 bugs closed.
  ds nerds-incorporated org: 23 bugs closed.
  maclas gmx de: 22 bugs closed.
  gnome flowerday cx: 18 bugs closed.
  vincent vuntz net: 17 bugs closed.
  erikg wired-networks net: 17 bugs closed.
  louie ximian com: 15 bugs closed.
  hadess hadess net: 15 bugs closed.
  do baum ro: 15 bugs closed.
  bugsqueesher yahoo com: 14 bugs closed.
  sven gimp org: 13 bugs closed.
  chpe+gnomebugz stud uni-saarland de: 12 bugs closed.
  bill haneman sun com: 11 bugs closed.
  poobar nycap rr com: 11 bugs closed.
9. Translation status

This is translation status for core Gnome 2.6 for 2004-02-28, with changes 
since 2004-02-22.

   1.	Albanian		100.00%	   up 0.01%
   	Portuguese		100.00%	   up 0.12%
   	Serbian			100.00%	   up 0.01%
   4.	Czech			 99.99%	 down 0.01%
   	Korean			 99.99%	   up 0.32%
   	Polish			 99.99%	 down 0.01%
   	Swedish			 99.99%	 no change
   8.	Spanish			 99.94%	   up 0.02%
   9.	Japanese		 99.85%	   up 1.58%
   10.	German			 99.69%	   up 0.15%
   11.	Greek			 99.02%	   up 0.72%
   12.	Norwegian bokmal	 98.50%	   up 0.94%
   13.	Dutch			 98.00%	   up 1.25%
   14.	Azerbaijani		 96.71%	   up 0.60%
   15.	French			 96.51%	   up 2.82%
   16.	Croatian		 96.14%	 down 0.19%
   17.	Mongolian		 95.70%	 down 0.17%
   18.	Italian			 94.79%	   up 5.73%
   19.	Lithuanian		 93.68%	   up 1.08%
   20.	Danish			 92.43%	   up 2.40%
   21.	Malay			 90.21%	   up 0.96%
   22.	Brazilian Portuguese	 88.39%	   up 0.42%
   23.	Welsh			 88.07%	   up 3.38%
   24.	Russian			 87.42%	   up 19.21%
   25.	Finnish			 87.19%	   up 1.74%
   26.	Turkish			 86.94%	   up 6.04%
   27.	Chinese Simplified	 86.74%	 down 0.09%
   28.	Catalan			 86.43%	   up 1.31%
   29.	Arabic			 83.94%	   up 1.83%
   30.	Ukrainian		 83.48%	 down 0.09%
   31.	Belarusian		 83.02%	 down 0.08%
   32.	Canadian English	 76.24%	   up 63.03%
   33.	Slovak			 75.62%	   up 0.43%
   34.	Chinese Traditional	 73.53%	 down 0.07%
   35.	Norwegian Nynorsk	 71.39%	   up 1.20%
   36.	Vietnamese		 71.11%	 down 0.07%
   37.	Slovenian		 70.09%	 down 0.06%
   38.	Romanian		 65.96%	 down 0.07%
   39.	Bengali			 63.38%	 down 0.06%
   40.	Hindi			 61.67%	   up 1.11%
   41.	Hungarian		 60.41%	 down 0.05%
   42.	Macedonian		 60.23%	 down 0.06%
   43.	Hebrew			 58.41%	 down 0.06%
   44.	Indonesian		 51.30%	 down 0.05%
   45.	Latvian			 51.28%	 down 0.05%
   46.	Bulgarian		 50.48%	 down 0.04%
   47.	Thai			 42.69%	   up 23.82%
   48.	Estonian		 41.73%	   up 4.44%
   49.	Malayalam		 33.20%	 down 0.04%
   50.	Wallon			 32.41%	 down 0.07%
   51.	Irish Gaelic		 29.42%	   up 0.88%
   52.	Icelandic		 28.60%	 down 0.03%
   53.	Limburgish		 23.96%	 down 0.02%
   54.	Amharic			 23.22%	 down 0.02%
   55.	Tamil			 23.19%	   up 2.17%
   56.	Galician		 22.22%	 down 0.03%
   57.	Persian			 21.71%	 down 0.03%
   58.	Basque			 19.50%	 down 0.03%
   59.	British English		 12.25%	   up 0.16%
   60.	Nepali			 11.61%	 down 0.01%
   61.	Yiddish			  9.64%	 down 0.01%
   62.	Esperanto		  8.45%	 no change
   63.	Kannada			  4.84%	 no change
   64.	Marathi			  3.19%	 down 0.01%
   65.	Afrikaans		  1.05%	 no change
   66.	Bosnian			  1.04%	 no change
   67.	Breton			  0.79%	 down 0.01%
   68.	uz			  0.35%	 no change
   69.	Interlingua		  0.21%	 no change
   70.	Australian English	  0.00%	 no change
   	Cornish			  0.00%	 no change
   	Gujarati		  0.00%	 no change
   	Manx Gaelic		  0.00%	 no change
   	Scots Gaelic		  0.00%	 no change
   	Telugu			  0.00%	 no change

Languages are ranked by the percentage of translated strings for developer 
platform and desktop.  Rank for each language is determined as the number 
of languages that have a better percentage, increased by one.  If languages 
share the same rank, then only the first in the list contains the rank field.

10. New and Updated Software

Muine  - Music player
Qalculate!  - A multi-purpose desktop calculator.
rubrica  - address book, pim
GNOME Desktop Themes  - GNOME Desktop Themes
Meld  - Meld: a diff and merge tool.
GNOME Terminal  - terminal console application
GtkSourceView  - Source editor widget
BananaPos  - Point Of Sale
GnoCHM  - A CHM file viewer
gDesklets  - GNOME Desktop Applets

For more information on these packages visit the GNOME Software map:

Gnome Summary is brought to you by: Sri Ramkrishna, Sayamindu Dasgupta, Jim 
Hodapp, and Andrew Coulam. 
To submit news items, send mail to gnome-summary@xxxxxxxxx 
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