It works.
Thank you so much Sanju and Atin, you're bosses.
On 03/01/20 15:24, Atin Mukherjee wrote:
Please bring down all glusterd instances before correcting the files. So
you should first stop the glusterd services, repair the files (removing
unwanted entries), ensure the peer files content are correct across all
nodes and then start the glusterd service on each node one by one.
On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 at 19:50, DUCARROZ Birgit <birgit.ducarroz@xxxxxxxx
<mailto:birgit.ducarroz@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Thank you so much.
I deleted the info out of the UUid file of each server except of nas23
but it re-adds the nas28 at each service glusterd restart.
Is there something else to delete?
On 03/01/20 14:22, Sanju Rakonde wrote:
> Hi,
> In every node of the cluster, at /var/lib/glusterd/peers/
directory, we
> will have peer related information. To come out of this
situation, you
> have to delete hostname=nas28 from the file, whose name is uuid
of node
> nas23 in all the nodes (except npde nas23). The file will be present
> under /var/lib/glusterd/peers/.
> You can find the uuid of node nas23 at
/var/lib/glusterd/ <>
> <> file in nas23 node.
> On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 6:19 PM DUCARROZ Birgit
<birgit.ducarroz@xxxxxxxx <mailto:birgit.ducarroz@xxxxxxxx>
> <mailto:birgit.ducarroz@xxxxxxxx
<mailto:birgit.ducarroz@xxxxxxxx>>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had a mistake in my hosts file which I corrected now.
> gluster peer status tells me
> Hostname: nas23
> Uuid: 23f98658-7bee-4b7d-991d-be35t9q4g008
> State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
> Other names:
> nas23
> nas28
> The problem is nas28 which should not appear.
> I tried to stop-start gluster service on both servers, this
did not
> help.
> gluster peer detach nas28
> peer detach: failed: Brick(s) with the peer nas28 exist in
> How can I correct this problem?
> Thank you for any help.
> Regards,
> Birgit
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