Gluster Community Meeting - 10/09/2019
Previous Meeting minutes:
- Recording of this meeting - No recording available for this meeting due to technical issues
Date/Time: Check the community calendar
- APAC friendly hours
- Tuesday 10th September 2019, 11:30AM IST
- Bridge:
- Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 01:00 PM EDT
- Bridge:
Name (#gluster-dev alias) - company
Sheetal Pamecha (#spamecha) - Red Hat
Sunny Kumar (sunny) - Red Hat
Rishubh Jain (risjain) - Red Hat
Ravi (@itisravi) Red Hat
Sanju Rakonde (srakonde) - RedHat
Rinku Kothiya (rinku) - RedHat
Ashhadul Islam (aislam) - Redhat
Vishal Pandey (vpandey) - RedHat
Ashish Pandey (_apandey) -RedHat
Sunil Kumar Acharya - RedHat
Shwetha Acharya (sacharya) - RedHat
Hari Gowtham (hgowtham) -Red Hat
User stories
- None
- Project metrics:
Metrics | Value |
Coverity | 65 |
Clang Scan | 59 |
Test coverage | 70.9 |
New Bugs in last 14 days master 7.x 6.x 5.x |
6 2 7 3 |
Gluster User Queries in last 14 days | 52 |
Total Bugs | 350 |
Total Github issues | 399 |
Any release updates?
- We are yet to merge some patches which are present in release6 but not in release7. We are waiting for it to pass centos regression.
Blocker issues across the project?
nil -
Notable thread form mailing list
Conferences / Meetups
- Gluster Meetup on September 25th
Register here:* - Developers’ Conference - {Date} -
Important dates:
CFP Opens:
CFP Closes:
CFP Status Notifications:
Schedule Announcement:
Event Opens for Registration :
Event dates:
GlusterFS - v7.0 and beyond
- Proposal -
- Proposed Plan:
- GlusterFS-7.0 (July 1st) - Stability, Automation - Only
- GlusterFS-8.0 (Nov 1st) - <Open for discussion> - Plan for Fedora 31/RHEL8.2
- GlusterFS-9.0 (March 1st, 2020) Reflink, io_uring, and similar improvements.
The maintainers have to file a github issue about what they want to work on for release 8. the planning has to be started.
Developer focus
- Any design specs to discuss?
- nil
Component status
- Arbiter - no updates
- AFR - no updates
- DHT - no updates
- EC - fixed new data corruption issues and working on some scripts for automation for handling edge cases
- FUSE - no updates
- POSIX - no updates
- DOC - no updates
- Geo Replication - no updates
- libglusterfs - no updates
- glusterd - no updates
- Snapshot - no updates
- NFS - no updates
- thin-arbiter -
Flash Talk Gluster
- Typical 5 min talk about Gluster with up to 5 more minutes for questions
Recent Blog posts / Document updates
Gluster Friday Five
- Every friday we release this, which basically covers highlight of week in gluster.Also you can find more videos in youtube link.
Sanju will host next meeting
- Who will host next meeting?
- Host will need to send out the agenda 24hr - 12hrs in advance to mailing list, and also make sure to send the meeting minutes.
- Host will need to reach out to one user at least who can talk about their usecase, their experience, and their needs.
- Host needs to send meeting minutes as PR to
- The readme gives detailed steps for the host to follow.
- Who will take notes from the next meeting?
Sunny - Please RSVP to gluster meet up
Yaniv will talk about Gluster X and Aravinda will talk about kaDalu
Sunny - Should we start using hangouts for video calls than using bluejens?
Ravi - Hangouts may have some limitations on no of people that can join meeting, which should be checked
Deepshika - Hangounts video is not integrated with Red Hat conference calling system
- Gluster X
Action Items on host
- Check-in Minutes of meeting for this meeting
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