Few questions inline.
On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 1:09 PM Benedikt Kaleß <benedikt.kaless@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
|I updated to gluster to gluster 6 and now the geo-replication remains
in status "Faulty".
From which version did you upgrade? And what does the volume info look like ? (Helps us to understand if this is something we have already tested or not).
|If I run a "gluster-mountbroker status" I get:
|Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/gluster-mountbroker", line 396, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gluster/cliutils/cliutils.py",
line 225, in runcli
File "/usr/sbin/gluster-mountbroker", line 275, in run
out = execute_in_peers("node-status")
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gluster/cliutils/cliutils.py",
line 127, in execute_in_peers
raise GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err, " ".join(cmd)))
gluster.cliutils.cliutils.GlusterCmdException: (1, '', 'Unable to end.
Error : Success\n', 'gluster system:: execute mountbroker.py node-status')
|What can I do: set up the georeplication again?|
Sorry for delay, and we will surely try to get you back to normal state. Can you check the logs in /var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication/* and see if there is anything concerning there? That would help in understanding the situation.
|Best regards|
Entschieden für Frieden|Committed to Peace
Benedikt Kaleß
Leiter Team IT|Head team IT
Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V.|Forum Civil Peace Service
Am Kölner Brett 8 | 50825 Köln | Germany
Tel 0221 91273233 | Fax 0221 91273299 |
Vorstand nach § 26 BGB, einzelvertretungsberechtigt|Executive Board:
Oliver Knabe (Vorsitz|Chair), Sonja Wiekenberg-Mlalandle, Alexander Mauz
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