I tracked down the 2 gfis and it looks like they were "partly?" configured.
I copied the data off the gluster volume they existed on and then
removed the files on the server and recreated them on the client.
Things seem to be sane again but at this point I am not amazingly
confident in the consistency of the filesystem.
I will try running a bit-rot scan against the system to see if there are
any errors.
On 3/26/19 11:45 AM, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:
On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 6:10 PM Alvin Starr <alvin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
After almost a week of doing nothing the brick failed and we were able to stop and restart glusterd and then could start a manual heal.
It was interesting when the heal started the time to completion was just about 21 days but as it worked through the 300000 some entries it got faster to the point where it completed in 2 days.
Now I have 2 gfids that refuse to heal.
Do you need help from the developers on that topic?
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Alvin Starr || land: (905)513-7688
Netvel Inc. || Cell: (416)806-0133
alvin@xxxxxxxxxx ||
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