Re: samba client gets mount error(5): Input/output error

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On Tue, 2018-10-09 at 17:11 +0200, Christos Tsalidis wrote:
> Hi,
> I have moved a step further as now I can mount the volume on client machine. It was selinux
> problem.
> setsebool -P samba_load_libgfapi 1
> However when I try to write a file on it,
> I am receiving  'Permission denied'
> [root@workstation smbdata]# df
> Filesystem                            1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/centos-root                 6486016 1191072   5294944  19% /
> devtmpfs                                 495892       0    495892   0% /dev
> tmpfs                                    507736       0    507736   0% /dev/shm
> tmpfs                                    507736    6836    500900   2% /run
> tmpfs                                    507736       0    507736   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
> /dev/sda1                               1038336  161940    876396  16% /boot
> tmpfs                                    101548       0    101548   0% /run/user/1000
> //servera.lab.local/gluster-mastervol   2076672   66720   2009952   4% /mnt/smbdata
> [root@workstation smbdata]# ls
> file00  file01  file02  file03  file04  file05  file06  file07  file08  file09  file10
> [root@workstation smbdata]# touch file11
> touch: cannot touch ‘file11’: Permission denied
> Any idea how can I solve this problem?

Is this still an issue for you?

> Thanks in advance!
> Στις Τρί, 9 Οκτ 2018 στις 3:21 μ.μ., ο/η Diego Remolina <dijuremo@xxxxxxxxx> έγραψε:
> > Per:
> > 
> > Does adding: kernel share modes = no
> > to smb.conf and restarting samba helps?
> > 
> > FWIW, I have had many recent problems using the samba vfs plugins on
> > Centos 7.5 (latest) against a 3.10.x glusterfs server. When exporting
> > via samba and using vfs objects = glusterfs many different programs
> > have i/o errors specially when trying to save files.
> > 
> > Some specific files (Autodesk Revit files) present problem reading.
> > 
> > My current workaround for regular operation has been using a fuse
> > mount and sharing directly from it via samba. So commented out all the
> > vfs objects and gluster related configurations and exported the
> > locally fuse mounted directory.
> > On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 9:12 AM Christos Tsalidis <chtsalid@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I am testing the samba client in glusterfs 3.12.14 version on CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804
> > and getting a mount error(5): Input/output error.
> > >
> > >
> > > [root@workstation ~]# mount /mnt/smbdata
> > > mount error(5): Input/output error
> > > Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
> > > [root@workstation ~]# cat /etc/fstab | grep smbdata
> > > //servera.lab.local/gluster-mastervol /mnt/smbdata cifs user=smbuser,pass=redhat 0 0
> > > [root@workstation ~]# rpm -q cifs-utils
> > > cifs-utils-6.2-10.el7.x86_64
> > >
> > > cat /var/log/messages
> > >
> > > Oct  9 13:50:33 workstation kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -5
> > > Oct  9 13:50:53 workstation kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -5
> > > Oct  9 13:51:49 workstation kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -5
> > > Oct  9 13:52:06 workstation kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -5
> > > Oct  9 14:01:02 workstation systemd: Created slice User Slice of root.
> > > Oct  9 14:01:02 workstation systemd: Starting User Slice of root.
> > > Oct  9 14:01:02 workstation systemd: Started Session 4 of user root.
> > > Oct  9 14:01:02 workstation systemd: Starting Session 4 of user root.
> > > Oct  9 14:01:02 workstation systemd: Removed slice User Slice of root.
> > > Oct  9 14:01:02 workstation systemd: Stopping User Slice of root.
> > > Oct  9 14:34:54 workstation kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -5
> > > Oct  9 14:36:02 workstation kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -5
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [root@servera ~]# systemctl status smb
> > > ● smb.service - Samba SMB Daemon
> > >    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/smb.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
> > >    Active: active (running) since Tue 2018-10-09 13:28:48 CEST; 53min ago
> > >  Main PID: 18707 (smbd)
> > >    Status: "smbd: ready to serve connections..."
> > >    CGroup: /system.slice/smb.service
> > >            ├─18707 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
> > >            ├─18709 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
> > >            ├─18710 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
> > >            └─18711 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
> > >
> > > Oct 09 13:35:49 servera.lab.local smbd[18986]: [2018/10/09 13:35:49.774640,  0]
> > ../source3/modules/vfs_glusterfs.c:345(vfs...nnect)
> > > Oct 09 13:35:49 servera.lab.local smbd[18986]:   mastervol: Failed to initialize volume
> > (Transport endpoint is not connected)
> > > Oct 09 13:36:46 servera.lab.local smbd[18997]: [2018/10/09 13:36:46.098201,  0]
> > ../source3/modules/vfs_glusterfs.c:345(vfs...nnect)
> > > Oct 09 13:36:46 servera.lab.local smbd[18997]:   mastervol: Failed to initialize volume
> > (Transport endpoint is not connected)
> > > Oct 09 13:37:03 servera.lab.local smbd[19036]: [2018/10/09 13:37:03.470317,  0]
> > ../source3/modules/vfs_glusterfs.c:345(vfs...nnect)
> > > Oct 09 13:37:03 servera.lab.local smbd[19036]:   mastervol: Failed to initialize volume
> > (Transport endpoint is not connected)
> > > Oct 09 14:19:51 servera.lab.local smbd[19075]: [2018/10/09 14:19:51.273307,  0]
> > ../source3/modules/vfs_glusterfs.c:345(vfs...nnect)
> > > Oct 09 14:19:51 servera.lab.local smbd[19075]:   mastervol: Failed to initialize volume
> > (Transport endpoint is not connected)
> > > Oct 09 14:20:59 servera.lab.local smbd[19085]: [2018/10/09 14:20:59.726227,  0]
> > ../source3/modules/vfs_glusterfs.c:345(vfs...nnect)
> > > Oct 09 14:20:59 servera.lab.local smbd[19085]:   mastervol: Failed to initialize volume
> > (Transport endpoint is not connected)
> > > Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
> > > [root@servera ~]# gluster volume info mastervol
> > >
> > > Volume Name: mastervol
> > > Type: Distribute
> > > Volume ID: f6bfe62f-068d-4ade-8d47-ee2e61418804
> > > Status: Started
> > > Snapshot Count: 0
> > > Number of Bricks: 2
> > > Transport-type: tcp
> > > Bricks:
> > > Brick1: servera:/bricks/brick-a1/brick
> > > Brick2: serverb:/bricks/brick-b1/brick
> > > Options Reconfigured:
> > > storage.batch-fsync-delay-usec: 0
> > > server.allow-insecure: on
> > > performance.stat-prefetch: off
> > > transport.address-family: inet
> > > nfs.disable: off
> > > [root@servera ~]# gluster volume status mastervol
> > > Status of volume: mastervol
> > > Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Brick servera:/bricks/brick-a1/brick        49153     0          Y       18904
> > > Brick serverb:/bricks/brick-b1/brick        49153     0          Y       9654
> > > NFS Server on localhost                     2049      0          Y       19024
> > > NFS Server on serverb.lab.local             2049      0          Y       9675
> > >
> > > Task Status of Volume mastervol
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > There are no active volume tasks
> > >
> > >
> > > [root@servera ~]# firewall-cmd --list-services
> > > ssh dhcpv6-client glusterfs nfs rpc-bind samba
> > >
> > > [root@servera ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep smbuser
> > > smbuser:x:1001:1001::/home/smbuser:/sbin/nologin
> > >
> > >
> > > [root@servera ~]# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
> > > # See smb.conf.example for a more detailed config file or
> > > # read the smb.conf manpage.
> > > # Run 'testparm' to verify the config is correct after
> > > # you modified it.
> > >
> > > [global]
> > >         workgroup = SAMBA
> > >         security = user
> > >
> > >         passdb backend = tdbsam
> > >
> > >         printing = cups
> > >         printcap name = cups
> > >         load printers = yes
> > >         cups options = raw
> > >
> > > [homes]
> > >         comment = Home Directories
> > >         valid users = %S, %D%w%S
> > >         browseable = No
> > >         read only = No
> > >         inherit acls = Yes
> > >
> > > [printers]
> > >         comment = All Printers
> > >         path = /var/tmp
> > >         printable = Yes
> > >         create mask = 0600
> > >         browseable = No
> > >
> > > [print$]
> > >         comment = Printer Drivers
> > >         path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
> > >         write list = @printadmin root
> > >         force group = @printadmin
> > >         create mask = 0664
> > >         directory mask = 0775
> > >
> > > [gluster-mastervol]
> > > comment = For samba share of volume mastervol
> > > vfs objects = glusterfs
> > > glusterfs:volume = mastervol
> > > glusterfs:logfile = /var/log/samba/glusterfs-mastervol.%M.log
> > > glusterfs:loglevel = 7
> > > path = /
> > > read only = no
> > > guest ok = yes
> > >
> > > [root@servera ~]# cat /var/log/samba/glusterfs-mastervol.
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:25.955750] W [MSGID: 101002] [options.c:995:xl_opt_validate] 0-gfapi: option
> > 'address-family' is deprecated, preferred is 'transport.address-family', continuing with
> > correction
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:25.966487] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:25.966861] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:29.969343] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:29.969551] I [MSGID: 104025] [glfs-mgmt.c:828:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > Exhausted all volfile servers [Transport endpoint is not connected]
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:29.971484] I [MSGID: 101191] [event-epoll.c:644:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 
> > 0-epoll: Exited thread with index 1
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:29.969550] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:29.971734] I [timer.c:89:gf_timer_call_cancel] (
> > -->/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08938] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08903] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab137f9] ) 0-timer: ctx cleanup
> > started
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:46.758283] W [MSGID: 101002] [options.c:995:xl_opt_validate] 0-gfapi: option
> > 'address-family' is deprecated, preferred is 'transport.address-family', continuing with
> > correction
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:46.768809] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:46.769146] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:49.774441] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:49.774597] I [MSGID: 104025] [glfs-mgmt.c:828:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > Exhausted all volfile servers [Transport endpoint is not connected]
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:49.776114] I [MSGID: 101191] [event-epoll.c:644:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 
> > 0-epoll: Exited thread with index 1
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:49.774595] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 11:35:49.776381] I [timer.c:89:gf_timer_call_cancel] (
> > -->/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08938] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08903] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab137f9] ) 0-timer: ctx cleanup
> > started
> > > [2018-10-09 11:36:43.084797] W [MSGID: 101002] [options.c:995:xl_opt_validate] 0-gfapi: option
> > 'address-family' is deprecated, preferred is 'transport.address-family', continuing with
> > correction
> > > [2018-10-09 11:36:43.093954] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 11:36:43.094242] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 11:36:46.098039] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 11:36:46.098160] I [MSGID: 104025] [glfs-mgmt.c:828:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > Exhausted all volfile servers [Transport endpoint is not connected]
> > > [2018-10-09 11:36:46.099301] I [MSGID: 101191] [event-epoll.c:644:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 
> > 0-epoll: Exited thread with index 1
> > > [2018-10-09 11:36:46.098158] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 11:36:46.099661] I [timer.c:89:gf_timer_call_cancel] (
> > -->/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08938] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08903] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab137f9] ) 0-timer: ctx cleanup
> > started
> > > [2018-10-09 11:37:00.456669] W [MSGID: 101002] [options.c:995:xl_opt_validate] 0-gfapi: option
> > 'address-family' is deprecated, preferred is 'transport.address-family', continuing with
> > correction
> > > [2018-10-09 11:37:00.466135] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 11:37:00.466323] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 11:37:03.470127] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 11:37:03.470275] I [MSGID: 104025] [glfs-mgmt.c:828:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > Exhausted all volfile servers [Transport endpoint is not connected]
> > > [2018-10-09 11:37:03.471773] I [MSGID: 101191] [event-epoll.c:644:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 
> > 0-epoll: Exited thread with index 1
> > > [2018-10-09 11:37:03.470274] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 11:37:03.472038] I [timer.c:89:gf_timer_call_cancel] (
> > -->/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08938] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08903] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab137f9] ) 0-timer: ctx cleanup
> > started
> > > [2018-10-09 12:19:48.258100] W [MSGID: 101002] [options.c:995:xl_opt_validate] 0-gfapi: option
> > 'address-family' is deprecated, preferred is 'transport.address-family', continuing with
> > correction
> > > [2018-10-09 12:19:48.267722] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 12:19:48.268239] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 12:19:51.273134] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 12:19:51.273266] I [MSGID: 104025] [glfs-mgmt.c:828:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > Exhausted all volfile servers [Transport endpoint is not connected]
> > > [2018-10-09 12:19:51.275239] I [MSGID: 101191] [event-epoll.c:644:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 
> > 0-epoll: Exited thread with index 1
> > > [2018-10-09 12:19:51.273265] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 12:19:51.275492] I [timer.c:89:gf_timer_call_cancel] (
> > -->/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08938] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08903] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab137f9] ) 0-timer: ctx cleanup
> > started
> > > [2018-10-09 12:20:56.711327] W [MSGID: 101002] [options.c:995:xl_opt_validate] 0-gfapi: option
> > 'address-family' is deprecated, preferred is 'transport.address-family', continuing with
> > correction
> > > [2018-10-09 12:20:56.720534] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 12:20:56.720810] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 12:20:59.726063] E [socket.c:3295:socket_connect] 0-gfapi: connection attempt on 
> > failed, (Permission denied)
> > > [2018-10-09 12:20:59.726187] I [MSGID: 104025] [glfs-mgmt.c:828:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > Exhausted all volfile servers [Transport endpoint is not connected]
> > > [2018-10-09 12:20:59.727301] I [MSGID: 101191] [event-epoll.c:644:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 
> > 0-epoll: Exited thread with index 1
> > > [2018-10-09 12:20:59.726186] I [MSGID: 104024] [glfs-mgmt.c:811:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glfs-mgmt:
> > disconnected from remote-host: localhost
> > > [2018-10-09 12:20:59.727643] I [timer.c:89:gf_timer_call_cancel] (
> > -->/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08938] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab08903] --
> > >/lib64/ [0x7f5d7ab137f9] ) 0-timer: ctx cleanup
> > started
> > >
> > >
> > > Do you have any idea how can I solve this?
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance!
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Gluster-users mailing list
> > > Gluster-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
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> > Gluster-users mailing list
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