I forgot to say i called after
root@pri:~# gluster peer probe third.ostechnix.lan
node 2 terminal
root@sec:~# gluster peer probe pri.ostechnix.lan
and i checked firewall rules still is valid after reboot.
i used
apt-get install iptables-persistent etfilter-persistent save
I changed /etc/hosts pri.ostechnix.lan pri sec.ostechnix.lan sec third.ostechnix.lan third
on every node matching hostname to
root@pri:~# apt-get purge glusterfs-server root@pri:~# rm -rf /var/lib/glusterd/ root@pri:~# rm -rf /var/log/glusterfs/ root@pri:~# apt-get install glusterfs-server root@pri:~# apt-mark hold glusterfs* root@pri:~# reboot now root@pri:~# gluster peer probe sec.ostechnix.lan peer probe: success. root@pri:~# gluster peer probe third.ostechnix.lan peer probe: success. root@pri:/var/log/glusterfs# gluster volume create myvol1 replica 3 transport tcp pri.ostechnix.lan:/gluster/brick1/mpoint1 sec.ostechnix.lan:/gluster/brick1/mpoint1 third.ostechnix.lan:/gluster/brick1/mpoint1 force volume create: myvol1: success: please start the volume to access data
and volume created root@pri:~# gluster volume list myvol1
Thank you @Serkan and @Atin
I'm guessing there's something wrong w.r.t address resolution on node 1. From the logs it's quite clear to me that node 1 is unable to resolve the address configured in /etc/hosts where as the other nodes do. Could you paste the gluster peer status output from all the nodes?
Also can you please check if you're able to ping "pri.ostechnix.lan" from node1 only? Does volume create go through if you use the IP instead of the hostname?
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