Re: Poor performance for nfs client on windows than on linux

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I did it, then dit test in new folder, and I got same performance

I checked more about create files on linux and windows with tcpdump:
with windows, each create file there an readdir and get the list of all the files in the directory so at the end the readdir is pretty huge.

I tried with samba and got same results too. But instead of nfs there is no receive traffic, only send traffic.
I start profiling the vol1 and got differences about linux and windows.
Windows for each create file do opendir, setattr, 4xreaddir

Volume Name: vol1
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: 1e48f990-c4db-44f0-a2d5-caa0cb1996de
Status: Stopped
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: gl1:/opt/data/glusterfs/brick1
Brick2: gl2:/opt/data/glusterfs/brick1
Options Reconfigured:
diagnostics.count-fop-hits: on
diagnostics.latency-measurement: on
nfs.disable: off
cluster.lookup-optimize: on
client.event-threads: 4
server.event-threads: 4
network.inode-lru-limit: 90000 600
performance.cache-invalidation: on
features.cache-invalidation-timeout: 600
features.cache-invalidation: on
transport.address-family: inet

sudo python --operation create --threads 1 --file-size 30 --files 5000 --files-per-dir 10000 --top /mnt/cifs/test5
smallfile version 3.0
                           hosts in test : None
                   top test directory(s) : ['/mnt/cifs/test5']
                               operation : create
                            files/thread : 5000
                                 threads : 1
           record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
                          file size (KB) : 30
                  file size distribution : fixed
                           files per dir : 10000
                            dirs per dir : 10
              threads share directories? : N
                         filename prefix :
                         filename suffix :
             hash file number into dir.? : N
                     fsync after modify? : N
          pause between files (microsec) : 0
                    finish all requests? : Y
                              stonewall? : Y
                 measure response times? : N
                            verify read? : Y
                                verbose? : False
                          log to stderr? : False
                           ext.attr.size : 0
                          ext.attr.count : 0
host =,thr = 00,elapsed = 40.276758,files = 5000,records = 5000,status = ok
total threads = 1
total files = 5000
total data = ""   0.143 GB
100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is  90.00
40.276758 sec elapsed time
124.141074 files/sec
124.141074 IOPS
3.636946 MB/sec

root@gl1 ~]# gluster volume profile vol1 info
Brick: gl1:/opt/data/glusterfs/brick1
Cumulative Stats:
   Block Size:                  8b+               16384b+
 No. of Reads:                    0                     0
No. of Writes:                    1                  5000
 %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop
 ---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us           5002     RELEASE
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us              3  RELEASEDIR
      0.00      24.00 us      24.00 us      24.00 us              1         IPC
      0.00      76.00 us      76.00 us      76.00 us              1        STAT
      0.00     223.00 us     223.00 us     223.00 us              1    GETXATTR
      0.00      66.27 us      43.00 us      97.00 us             11    SETXATTR
      0.00      57.08 us      37.00 us     133.00 us             13     SETATTR
      0.01     155.09 us     125.00 us     215.00 us             11       MKDIR
      0.01      52.56 us      19.00 us     149.00 us             43      STATFS
      0.02      35.16 us       8.00 us     181.00 us             92     INODELK
      0.93      29.83 us      11.00 us    1064.00 us           5002       FLUSH
      1.28      41.10 us      12.00 us    1231.00 us           5002          LK
      1.96      31.42 us      10.00 us    1821.00 us          10002    FINODELK
      2.56      40.98 us      11.00 us    1270.00 us          10026     ENTRYLK
      3.27     104.96 us      57.00 us    3182.00 us           5001       WRITE
      6.07      97.23 us      47.00 us    1376.00 us          10002    FXATTROP
     14.78      58.54 us      26.00 us   35865.00 us          40477      LOOKUP
     69.09    2214.82 us     102.00 us 1710730.00 us           5002      CREATE

    Duration: 189 seconds
   Data Read: 0 bytes
Data Written: 153600008 bytes

Brick: gl2:/opt/data/glusterfs/brick1
Cumulative Stats:
   Block Size:                  8b+               16384b+
 No. of Reads:                    0                     0
No. of Writes:                    1                  5000
 %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop
 ---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us           5002     RELEASE
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us              3  RELEASEDIR
      0.00      55.00 us      55.00 us      55.00 us              1    GETXATTR
      0.01      52.23 us      45.00 us      69.00 us             13     SETATTR
      0.01      74.00 us      52.00 us     167.00 us             11    SETXATTR
      0.03     160.55 us     142.00 us     211.00 us             11       MKDIR
      0.03      46.40 us      27.00 us     188.00 us             43      STATFS
      0.04      28.74 us      11.00 us      95.00 us             92     INODELK
      2.15      30.38 us      12.00 us     310.00 us           5002       FLUSH
      2.82      39.81 us      12.00 us    1160.00 us           5002          LK
      3.96      27.92 us      10.00 us    1354.00 us          10026     ENTRYLK
      4.53      31.97 us       9.00 us    1144.00 us          10002    FINODELK
      6.55      92.48 us      55.00 us     554.00 us           5001       WRITE
     12.57      88.74 us      57.00 us     528.00 us          10002    FXATTROP
     30.45      53.13 us      27.00 us    3289.00 us          40477      LOOKUP
     36.85     520.35 us     108.00 us  459446.00 us           5002      CREATE

    Duration: 174 seconds
   Data Read: 0 bytes
Data Written: 153600008 bytes

C:\Users\Administrator\smallfile> --operation create --threads 1 --file-size 30 --files 5000 --files-per-dir 10000 --top \\\gl\test5
smallfile version 3.0
                           hosts in test : None
                   top test directory(s) : ['\\\\\\gl\\test5']
                               operation : create
                            files/thread : 5000
                                 threads : 1
           record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
                          file size (KB) : 30
                  file size distribution : fixed
                           files per dir : 10000
                            dirs per dir : 10
              threads share directories? : N
                         filename prefix :
                         filename suffix :
             hash file number into dir.? : N
                     fsync after modify? : N
          pause between files (microsec) : 0
                    finish all requests? : Y
                              stonewall? : Y
                 measure response times? : N
                            verify read? : Y
                                verbose? : False
                          log to stderr? : False
                           ext.attr.size : 0
                          ext.attr.count : 0
adding time for Windows synchronization
host = WIN-H8RKTO9B438,thr = 00,elapsed = 551.000000,files = 5000,records = 5000
,status = ok
total threads = 1
total files = 5000
total data = ""   0.143 GB
100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is  90.00
551.000000 sec elapsed time
9.074410 files/sec
9.074410 IOPS
0.265852 MB/sec

[root@gl1 ~]# gluster volume profile vol1 info
Brick: gl1:/opt/data/glusterfs/brick1
Cumulative Stats:
   Block Size:                  8b+               16384b+
 No. of Reads:                    0                     0
No. of Writes:                    1                  5000
 %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop
 ---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us           5002     RELEASE
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us           5088  RELEASEDIR
      0.00      30.38 us      19.00 us      42.00 us              8         IPC
      0.00      63.00 us      11.00 us     227.00 us              5    GETXATTR
      0.00      47.58 us      20.00 us      77.00 us             12        STAT
      0.00     132.83 us      76.00 us     300.00 us              6     READDIR
      0.00      88.55 us      60.00 us     127.00 us             11    SETXATTR
      0.00    1065.45 us     144.00 us    9687.00 us             11       MKDIR
      0.01      50.94 us      20.00 us     238.00 us            603      STATFS
      0.05      48.47 us      12.00 us     945.00 us           4998       FSTAT
      0.05      49.54 us       8.00 us     382.00 us           5002       FLUSH
      0.05      51.86 us       1.00 us     674.00 us           5085     OPENDIR
      0.06      59.86 us      36.00 us     473.00 us           5012     SETATTR
      0.09      91.17 us      14.00 us     636.00 us           5002          LK
      0.10      51.62 us       9.00 us     786.00 us          10002    FINODELK
      0.11     108.88 us      60.00 us    1269.00 us           5001       WRITE
      0.11      55.86 us       8.00 us    1074.00 us          10090     INODELK
      0.20     100.30 us      46.00 us     913.00 us          10002    FXATTROP
      0.22     111.76 us      10.00 us     985.00 us          10026     ENTRYLK
      0.26     262.15 us     117.00 us  350840.00 us           5002      CREATE
      0.68      83.14 us      11.00 us    1940.00 us          41603      LOOKUP
     98.03   25526.30 us      99.00 us  913922.00 us          19613    READDIRP

    Duration: 693 seconds
   Data Read: 0 bytes
Data Written: 153600008 bytes

Brick: gl2:/opt/data/glusterfs/brick1
Cumulative Stats:
   Block Size:                  8b+               16384b+
 No. of Reads:                    0                     0
No. of Writes:                    1                  5000
 %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop
 ---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us           5002     RELEASE
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us           5088  RELEASEDIR
      0.00      30.50 us      27.00 us      33.00 us              4         IPC
      0.01     136.60 us      20.00 us     550.00 us              5    GETXATTR
      0.01      74.45 us      51.00 us     122.00 us             11    SETXATTR
      0.02     182.17 us     104.00 us     469.00 us              6     READDIR
      0.03     181.64 us     144.00 us     273.00 us             11       MKDIR
      0.35      42.64 us      30.00 us     184.00 us            599      STATFS
      2.33      33.63 us      13.00 us     315.00 us           5002       FLUSH
      2.85      41.00 us      13.00 us    1463.00 us           5002          LK
      3.06      43.41 us       1.00 us     265.00 us           5085     OPENDIR
      3.80      54.66 us      34.00 us     344.00 us           5012     SETATTR
      3.87      27.66 us      10.00 us     330.00 us          10090     INODELK
      3.95      28.36 us       8.00 us    1001.00 us          10026     ENTRYLK
      4.64      33.46 us      10.00 us    1807.00 us          10002    FINODELK
      6.22      89.60 us      58.00 us     707.00 us           5001       WRITE
     12.66      91.19 us      59.00 us     834.00 us          10002    FXATTROP
     19.90     286.71 us     122.00 us  362603.00 us           5002      CREATE
     36.29      62.84 us      27.00 us   57324.00 us          41603      LOOKUP

    Duration: 638 seconds
   Data Read: 0 bytes
Data Written: 153600008 bytes

Le 09/05/2017 à 14:41, Karan Sandha a écrit :
> Hi Chiku,
> Please tune the volume with the below parameters for performance gain.
> cc'ed the guy working on windows.
> **
> *gluster volume stop *<vol-name>* --mode=script*
> *
> gluster volume set *<vol-name>* features.cache-invalidation on
> gluster volume set *<vol-name>* features.cache-invalidation-timeout 600
> gluster volume set *<vol-name>* performance.stat-prefetch on
> gluster volume set *<vol-name>* performance.cache-invalidation on
> gluster volume set *<vol-name>* 600
> gluster volume set *<vol-name>* network.inode-lru-limit 90000
> gluster volume set *<vol-name>* cluster.lookup-optimize on
> gluster volume set *<vol-name>* server.event-threads 4
> gluster volume set *<vol-name>* client.event-threads 4
> *
> gluster volume start <vol-name>
> Thanks & regards
> Karan Sandha
> On 05/09/2017 03:03 PM, Chiku wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm testing glusterfs for windows client.
>> I created 2 servers for glusterfs (3.10.1 replication 2) on centos 7.3.
>> Right now, I just use default setting and my testing use case is alot
>> small files in a folder.
>> nfs windows client is so poor performance than nfs linux client.
>> Idon't understand. It should have same nfs linux performance.
>> I saw something wierd about network traffic. On windows client I saw
>> more receive (9Mbps) traffic than send traffic (1Mpbs).
>> On nfs linux client, receive traffic is around 700Kbps.
>> Can someone have any idea what happen with nfs windows client?
>> I will try later some tunning tests.
>> * 1st test: centos client mount with glusterfs type :
>> on /mnt/glusterfs type fuse.glusterfs
>> (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)
>> python --operation create --threads 1 --file-size 30
>> --files 5000 --files-per-dir 10000 --top /mnt/glusterfs/test1
>> smallfile version 3.0
>>                            hosts in test : None
>>                    top test directory(s) : ['/mnt/glusterfs/test1']
>>                                operation : create
>>                             files/thread : 5000
>>                                  threads : 1
>>            record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
>>                           file size (KB) : 30
>>                   file size distribution : fixed
>>                            files per dir : 10000
>>                             dirs per dir : 10
>>               threads share directories? : N
>>                          filename prefix :
>>                          filename suffix :
>>              hash file number into dir.? : N
>>                      fsync after modify? : N
>>           pause between files (microsec) : 0
>>                     finish all requests? : Y
>>                               stonewall? : Y
>>                  measure response times? : N
>>                             verify read? : Y
>>                                 verbose? : False
>>                           log to stderr? : False
>>                            ext.attr.size : 0
>>                           ext.attr.count : 0
>> host =,thr = 00,elapsed = 16.566169,files = 5000,records =
>> 5000,status = ok
>> total threads = 1
>> total files = 5000
>> total data = ""   0.143 GB
>> 100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is  90.00
>> 16.566169 sec elapsed time
>> 301.819932 files/sec
>> 301.819932 IOPS
>> 8.842381 MB/sec
>> * 2nd test centos client mount with nfs :
>> on /mnt/nfs type nfs
>> (rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,mountaddr=,mountvers=3,mountport=38465,mountproto=tcp,local_lock=none,addr=
>> python --operation create --threads 1 --file-size 30
>> --files 5000 --files-per-dir 10000 --top /mnt/nfs/test1
>> smallfile version 3.0
>>                            hosts in test : None
>>                    top test directory(s) : ['/mnt/nfs/test1']
>>                                operation : create
>>                             files/thread : 5000
>>                                  threads : 1
>>            record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
>>                           file size (KB) : 30
>>                   file size distribution : fixed
>>                            files per dir : 10000
>>                             dirs per dir : 10
>>               threads share directories? : N
>>                          filename prefix :
>>                          filename suffix :
>>              hash file number into dir.? : N
>>                      fsync after modify? : N
>>           pause between files (microsec) : 0
>>                     finish all requests? : Y
>>                               stonewall? : Y
>>                  measure response times? : N
>>                             verify read? : Y
>>                                 verbose? : False
>>                           log to stderr? : False
>>                            ext.attr.size : 0
>>                           ext.attr.count : 0
>> host =,thr = 00,elapsed = 54.737751,files = 5000,records =
>> 5000,status = ok
>> total threads = 1
>> total files = 5000
>> total data = ""   0.143 GB
>> 100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is  90.00
>> 54.737751 sec elapsed time
>> 91.344637 files/sec
>> 91.344637 IOPS
>> 2.676112 MB/sec
>> * 3th test: new windows 2012R2 with nfs client installed :
>> C:\Users\Administrator\smallfile> --operation create
>> --threads 1 --file-size 30 --files 5000 --files-per-dir 10000 --top
>> \\\vol1\test1
>> smallfile version 3.0
>>                            hosts in test : None
>>                    top test directory(s) :
>> ['\\\\\\vol1\\test1']
>>                                operation : create
>>                             files/thread : 5000
>>                                  threads : 1
>>            record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
>>                           file size (KB) : 30
>>                   file size distribution : fixed
>>                            files per dir : 10000
>>                             dirs per dir : 10
>>               threads share directories? : N
>>                          filename prefix :
>>                          filename suffix :
>>              hash file number into dir.? : N
>>                      fsync after modify? : N
>>           pause between files (microsec) : 0
>>                     finish all requests? : Y
>>                               stonewall? : Y
>>                  measure response times? : N
>>                             verify read? : Y
>>                                 verbose? : False
>>                           log to stderr? : False
>>                            ext.attr.size : 0
>>                           ext.attr.count : 0
>> adding time for Windows synchronization
>> host = WIN-H8RKTO9B438,thr = 00,elapsed = 425.342000,files =
>> 5000,records = 5000
>> ,status = ok
>> total threads = 1
>> total files = 5000
>> total data = ""   0.143 GB
>> 100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is  90.00
>> 425.342000 sec elapsed time
>> 11.755246 files/sec
>> 11.755246 IOPS
>> 0.344392 MB/sec
>> _______________________________________________
>> Gluster-users mailing list
>> Gluster-users@xxxxxxxxxxx

2017-05-09 14:12 GMT+02:00 ChiKu <chikulinu@xxxxxxxxx>:

I'm testing glusterfs for windows client.
I created 2 servers for glusterfs (3.10.1 replication 2) on centos 7.3.

Right now, I just use default setting and my testing use case is alot small files in a folder.

nfs windows client is so poor performance than nfs linux client. Idon't understand. It should have same nfs linux performance.
I saw something wierd about network traffic. On windows client I saw more receive (9Mbps) traffic than send traffic (1Mpbs).

On nfs linux client, receive traffic is around 700Kbps.

Can someone have any idea what happen with nfs windows client?
I will try later some tunning tests.

* 1st test: centos client mount with glusterfs type : on /mnt/glusterfs type fuse.glusterfs (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)

python --operation create --threads 1 --file-size 30 --files 5000 --files-per-dir 10000 --top /mnt/glusterfs/test1
smallfile version 3.0
                           hosts in test : None
                   top test directory(s) : ['/mnt/glusterfs/test1']
                               operation : create
                            files/thread : 5000
                                 threads : 1
           record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
                          file size (KB) : 30
                  file size distribution : fixed
                           files per dir : 10000
                            dirs per dir : 10
              threads share directories? : N
                         filename prefix :
                         filename suffix :
             hash file number into dir.? : N
                     fsync after modify? : N
          pause between files (microsec) : 0
                    finish all requests? : Y
                              stonewall? : Y
                 measure response times? : N
                            verify read? : Y
                                verbose? : False
                          log to stderr? : False
                           ext.attr.size : 0
                          ext.attr.count : 0
host =,thr = 00,elapsed = 16.566169,files = 5000,records = 5000,status = ok
total threads = 1
total files = 5000
total data ="" 0.143 GB
100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is  90.00
16.566169 sec elapsed time
301.819932 files/sec
301.819932 IOPS
8.842381 MB/sec

* 2nd test centos client mount with nfs : on /mnt/nfs type nfs (rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,mountaddr=,mountvers=3,mountport=38465,mountproto=tcp,local_lock=none,addr=

python --operation create --threads 1 --file-size 30 --files 5000 --files-per-dir 10000 --top /mnt/nfs/test1
smallfile version 3.0
                           hosts in test : None
                   top test directory(s) : ['/mnt/nfs/test1']
                               operation : create
                            files/thread : 5000
                                 threads : 1
           record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
                          file size (KB) : 30
                  file size distribution : fixed
                           files per dir : 10000
                            dirs per dir : 10
              threads share directories? : N
                         filename prefix :
                         filename suffix :
             hash file number into dir.? : N
                     fsync after modify? : N
          pause between files (microsec) : 0
                    finish all requests? : Y
                              stonewall? : Y
                 measure response times? : N
                            verify read? : Y
                                verbose? : False
                          log to stderr? : False
                           ext.attr.size : 0
                          ext.attr.count : 0
host =,thr = 00,elapsed = 54.737751,files = 5000,records = 5000,status = ok
total threads = 1
total files = 5000
total data ="" 0.143 GB
100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is  90.00
54.737751 sec elapsed time
91.344637 files/sec
91.344637 IOPS
2.676112 MB/sec

* 3th test: new windows 2012R2 with nfs client installed :

C:\Users\Administrator\smallfile> --operation create --threads 1 --file-size 30 --files 5000 --files-per-dir 10000 --top \\\vol1\test1
smallfile version 3.0
                           hosts in test : None
                   top test directory(s) : ['\\\\\\vol1\\test1']
                               operation : create
                            files/thread : 5000
                                 threads : 1
           record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
                          file size (KB) : 30
                  file size distribution : fixed
                           files per dir : 10000
                            dirs per dir : 10
              threads share directories? : N
                         filename prefix :
                         filename suffix :
             hash file number into dir.? : N
                     fsync after modify? : N
          pause between files (microsec) : 0
                    finish all requests? : Y
                              stonewall? : Y
                 measure response times? : N
                            verify read? : Y
                                verbose? : False
                          log to stderr? : False
                           ext.attr.size : 0
                          ext.attr.count : 0
adding time for Windows synchronization
host = WIN-H8RKTO9B438,thr = 00,elapsed = 425.342000,files = 5000,records = 5000
,status = ok
total threads = 1
total files = 5000
total data ="" 0.143 GB
100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is  90.00
425.342000 sec elapsed time
11.755246 files/sec
11.755246 IOPS
0.344392 MB/sec 

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