Hi Chiku,
Please tune the volume with the below parameters for performance
gain. cc'ed the guy working on windows.
gluster volume stop <vol-name> --mode=script
gluster volume set <vol-name> features.cache-invalidation on
gluster volume set <vol-name> features.cache-invalidation-timeout 600
gluster volume set <vol-name> performance.stat-prefetch on
gluster volume set <vol-name> performance.cache-invalidation on
gluster volume set <vol-name> performance.md-cache-timeout 600
gluster volume set <vol-name> network.inode-lru-limit 90000
gluster volume set <vol-name> cluster.lookup-optimize on
gluster volume set <vol-name> server.event-threads 4
gluster volume set <vol-name> client.event-threads 4
gluster volume start <vol-name>
Thanks & regards
Karan Sandha
On 05/09/2017 03:03 PM, Chiku wrote:
I'm testing glusterfs for windows client.
I created 2 servers for glusterfs (3.10.1 replication 2) on centos
Right now, I just use default setting and my testing use case is
alot small files in a folder.
nfs windows client is so poor performance than nfs linux client.
Idon't understand. It should have same nfs linux performance.
I saw something wierd about network traffic. On windows client I
saw more receive (9Mbps) traffic than send traffic (1Mpbs).
On nfs linux client, receive traffic is around 700Kbps.
Can someone have any idea what happen with nfs windows client?
I will try later some tunning tests.
* 1st test: centos client mount with glusterfs type :
gl1.lab.com:vol1 on /mnt/glusterfs type fuse.glusterfs
python smallfile_cli.py --operation create --threads 1 --file-size
30 --files 5000 --files-per-dir 10000 --top /mnt/glusterfs/test1
smallfile version 3.0
hosts in test : None
top test directory(s) :
operation : create
files/thread : 5000
threads : 1
record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
file size (KB) : 30
file size distribution : fixed
files per dir : 10000
dirs per dir : 10
threads share directories? : N
filename prefix :
filename suffix :
hash file number into dir.? : N
fsync after modify? : N
pause between files (microsec) : 0
finish all requests? : Y
stonewall? : Y
measure response times? : N
verify read? : Y
verbose? : False
log to stderr? : False
ext.attr.size : 0
ext.attr.count : 0
host = cm2.lab.com,thr = 00,elapsed = 16.566169,files =
5000,records = 5000,status = ok
total threads = 1
total files = 5000
total data ="" 0.143 GB
100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is 90.00
16.566169 sec elapsed time
301.819932 files/sec
301.819932 IOPS
8.842381 MB/sec
* 2nd test centos client mount with nfs :
gl1.lab.com:/vol1 on /mnt/nfs type nfs
python smallfile_cli.py --operation create --threads 1 --file-size
30 --files 5000 --files-per-dir 10000 --top /mnt/nfs/test1
smallfile version 3.0
hosts in test : None
top test directory(s) : ['/mnt/nfs/test1']
operation : create
files/thread : 5000
threads : 1
record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
file size (KB) : 30
file size distribution : fixed
files per dir : 10000
dirs per dir : 10
threads share directories? : N
filename prefix :
filename suffix :
hash file number into dir.? : N
fsync after modify? : N
pause between files (microsec) : 0
finish all requests? : Y
stonewall? : Y
measure response times? : N
verify read? : Y
verbose? : False
log to stderr? : False
ext.attr.size : 0
ext.attr.count : 0
host = cm2.lab.com,thr = 00,elapsed = 54.737751,files =
5000,records = 5000,status = ok
total threads = 1
total files = 5000
total data ="" 0.143 GB
100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is 90.00
54.737751 sec elapsed time
91.344637 files/sec
91.344637 IOPS
2.676112 MB/sec
* 3th test: new windows 2012R2 with nfs client installed :
C:\Users\Administrator\smallfile>smallfile_cli.py --operation
create --threads 1 --file-size 30 --files 5000 --files-per-dir
10000 --top \\\vol1\test1
smallfile version 3.0
hosts in test : None
top test directory(s) :
operation : create
files/thread : 5000
threads : 1
record size (KB, 0 = maximum) : 0
file size (KB) : 30
file size distribution : fixed
files per dir : 10000
dirs per dir : 10
threads share directories? : N
filename prefix :
filename suffix :
hash file number into dir.? : N
fsync after modify? : N
pause between files (microsec) : 0
finish all requests? : Y
stonewall? : Y
measure response times? : N
verify read? : Y
verbose? : False
log to stderr? : False
ext.attr.size : 0
ext.attr.count : 0
adding time for Windows synchronization
host = WIN-H8RKTO9B438,thr = 00,elapsed = 425.342000,files =
5000,records = 5000
,status = ok
total threads = 1
total files = 5000
total data ="" 0.143 GB
100.00% of requested files processed, minimum is 90.00
425.342000 sec elapsed time
11.755246 files/sec
11.755246 IOPS
0.344392 MB/sec
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