On 03/08/2017 04:55 PM, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:
I'm really inerested in this.
Let me know if I understood properly, now is possible to access a
Gluster volume as object storage via S3 API ?
Yes. It is possible.
Authentication is currently turned off. You can expect updates on
Authentication soon.
Is Gluster-swift (and with that, the rings, auth and so on coming from
OpenStack) still needed ?
You are right. gluster-swift is still needed. But, it is part of Docker
All gluster-swift processes are running inside Docker container in order
to provide Object interface.
Docker container accesses Gluster volume to access (get/put) objects.
We are working on a custom solution which will avoids gluster-swift
We will update here once it is ready. Stay tuned.
2017-03-08 9:53 GMT+01:00 Saravanakumar Arumugam <sarumuga@xxxxxxxxxx>:
I have posted a blog about accessing Gluster volume via S3 interface.[1]
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