Did u install rpm or directly from sources. Can u check whether
following script is present?
On 20/11/16 13:33, Alexandr Porunov
To enable shared storage I used next command:
# gluster volume set all cluster.enable-shared-storage
But it seems that it doesn't create gluster_shared_storage
# gluster volume status gluster_shared_storage
Volume gluster_shared_storage does not exist
Do I need to manually create a volume
"gluster_shared_storage"? Do I need to manually create a
folder "/var/run/gluster/shared_storage"? Do I need to
manually mount it? Or something I don't need to do?
If I use 6 cluster nodes and I need to have a shared
storage on all of them then how to create a shared storage?
It says that it have to be with replication 2 or
replication 3. But if we use shared storage on all of 6 nodes
then we have only 2 ways to create a volume:
1. Use replication 6
2. Use replication 3 with distribution.
Which way I need to use?
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