Could you forward me to some place where I can find basic usage of you
plugin and how to integrate it with nagios? I can't manage to bring it up.
opsld03:/gluster/data # /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_gluster
Error: Daemon gluster1:"Bitrot Daemon" is not started
opsld03:/gluster/data #
opsld03:/gluster/data # gluster volume status volume1
Status of volume: volume1
Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
Brick gluster1:/mnt/.bricks 49153 0 Y
Brick gluster2:/mnt/.bricks 49153 0 Y
NFS Server on localhost 2049 0 Y
Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y
NFS Server on opsld04.bsc.es N/A N/A N
Self-heal Daemon on opsld04.bsc.es N/A N/A Y
Task Status of Volume volume1
There are no active volume tasks
opsld03:/gluster/data # /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_gluster -c heal
Error: Daemon gluster1:"Self-heal Daemon" is not started
opsld03:/gluster/data # /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_gluster -c nfs
Error: Daemon gluster1:"NFS Server" is not started
Josep Manel Andrés (josep.andres@xxxxxx)
Operations - Barcelona Supercomputing Center
C/ Jordi Girona, 31 http://www.bsc.es
08034 Barcelona, Spain Tel: +34-93-401 25 73
e-mail: systems@xxxxxx Fax: +34-93-413 77 21
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