So a NIC on one of my nodes died today. Chance are good that a reboot would bring it back to life, but then I'd be down while 2-3TB of unsharded VM's healed which wouldn't be fun. I figured I'll run with 2 nodes while I get sharding enabled and then bring in the 3rd new node I was going to replace that one with anyway.
1) I am using oVirt3.6 with CentOS 7 and while I am going to confirm I believe it does its communications over fuse mount still. So I am thinking it would help for me to move from 3.7.11 to 3.7.12 as the ligpfapi issues shouldn't hit me.
2) enable sharding. Do I need to completely move the VM(powered off) image off the mount then back on for it to shad or can I rename VM images on the fuse mount?
Typical disk dir has 3 files. I'm thinking since only the large image will shard that is only one I would need to move as others wouldn't shard?
-rw-rw----. 1 vdsm kvm 25G Apr 15 14:21 e7818fd2-7e2e-46e8-92b5-bc036850d88b
-rw-rw----. 1 vdsm kvm 1.0M Dec 2 2015
-rw-r--r--. 1 vdsm kvm 320 Dec 2 2015 e7818fd2-7e2e-46e8-92b5-bc036850d88b.meta
3) Since I don't plan to re-enable the server with NIC issues can I just rsync /var/lib/glusterd then give new server same IP other one used to peer with? Do I need to change UUID of new server? Can I manually update the info in /var/lib/glusterd/vols/*/info so options match after enabling shards?
Any glaring gotchas I am overlooking?
David Gossage
Carousel Checks Inc. | System Administrator
Office 708.613.2284
Office 708.613.2284
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