I have inherited a Debian Wheezy system running Gluster 3.5.3 .
The sysadmin who was responsible for it, has since moved on and left no
documentation. Can I safely do an apt-get upgrade and upgrade to the
latest 3.5.7 for Debian without any special steps ? I know that I need to
shut down the clients and the server, then upgrade the clients and the
server, and then restart all of them.
The reason that I'm looking at doing the upgrade is that recently, (after a
reboot) we're seeing the system running out of memory and paging space
within 48 hours of a reboot. Previously the system had been up for over a
I think that our new Network Security person, started scanning the gluster
server with Nessus about the same time our trouble started. I'm looking to
whack him with a wet noodle and get him to stop that.
Michael H. Martel | Director of Data Center Administration
michael.martel@xxxxxxx | Systems and Security Administrator
Vermont State Colleges | PH:802-224-3010 FX:802-224-3035
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