On 01/19/2016 08:04 PM, Taste-Of-IT wrote:
i have a glusterfs distributed volume and had a raid problem. after
solving this i could start the volume and had problem with files. now
i want to move working files direct from one node to a new distributed
volume. How does the linksystem works? if i have a
distribute-replicate with factor 2, i would have 2 links for each
file, correct? so in my case i have only 1 hardlink for each file,
right? so if i move the files direct, the size of the .glusterfs
folder will decrease, right? actually it seems when i move files
direct, the space at all decrease too, but should be nearly the same,
Joejulian wrote a nice blog when we first introduced the link system at
the time of 3.3
Yes you will have 2 links for each file. 1) at the path you created the
file. 2) inside .glusterfs/ab/cd/abcd....
I didn't understand how you ended up with single link for each of the
file. Which operation lead to this state? Without understanding this,
won't be able to answer the rest of the questions :-(.
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