gluster 3.7.6
I seem to be able to reliably reproduce this. I have a replica 2
volume with 1 test VM image. While the VM is running with heavy
disk read/writes (disk benchmark) I add a 3rd brick for replica 3:
gluster volume add-brick datastore1 replica 3
I pretty much immediately get this:
gluster volume heal datastore1 info
Brick vna.proxmox.softlog:/vmdata/datastore1
/.shard/d6aad699-d71d-4b35-b021-d35e5ff297c4.55 - Possibly
undergoing heal
/images/301/vm-301-disk-1.qcow2 - Possibly undergoing heal
Number of entries: 4
Brick vnb.proxmox.softlog:/vmdata/datastore1
/images/301/vm-301-disk-1.qcow2 - Possibly undergoing heal
/.shard/d6aad699-d71d-4b35-b021-d35e5ff297c4.55 - Possibly
undergoing heal
Number of entries: 4
Brick vng.proxmox.softlog:/vmdata/datastore1
Number of entries: 13
The brick on vng is the new empty brick, but it has 13 shards
being healed back to vna & vnb. That can't be right and if I
leave it the VM becomes hopelessly corrupted. Also there are 81
shards in the files, they should all be queued for healing.
Additionally I get read errors when I run a qemu-img check on the VM
image. If I remove the vng brick the problems are resolved.
If I do the same process while the VM is not running - i.e no files
are being access, every proceeds as expect. All shard on vn &
vnb are healed to vng,
Lindsay Mathieson
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