On 01/12/2016 01:26 PM, Pawan Devaiah
Thanks for your response Pranith and Mathieu,
Pranith: To answer your question, I am planning to use this
storage for two main workloads.
1. As a shared storage for VMs.
EC as it is today is not good for this.
2. As a NFS Storage for files.
If the above is for storing archive data. EC is nice here.
We are a online backup company so we store few hundred
Terra bytes of data.
Mathieu: I appreciate your concern, however as a system
admins sometimes we get paranoid and try to control everything
under the Sun.
I know I can only control what I can.
Having said that, No, I have pair of servers to start with
so at the moment I am just evaluating and preparing for proof
of concept, after which I am going to propose to my
management, if they are happy then we will proceed further.
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