High I/O And Processor Utilization

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It’s been a while since I last ran GlusterFS so I thought I might give it another try here at home in my lab.  I am using the 3.7 branch on 2 systems with a 3rd being an arbiter node.  Much like the last time I tried GlusterFS, I keep running into issues with the glusterfsd process eating up so many resources that the systems sometimes become all but unusable.  A quick Google search tells me I am not the only one to run into this issue but I have yet to find a cure.  The last time I ran GlusterFS, it was to host web sites and I just chalked the problem up to a large number of small files.  This time, I am using it to host VM’s and there are only 7 of them and while they are running, they are not doing anything else.


When I run ‘gluster volume heal gv0 info’, it almost always shows a few files and sometimes they say “Possibly undergoing heal”.  Next time, it will be different files.  So I am wondering if the problems are heal related and I’m hoping there is a way I can tune for this.


The systems are dual-quad core processors with 72 GB of memory and Gigabit Nics.  Network speed doesn't seem to be the issue as when I check it with iperf, I can consistently get over 850 Mbits/sec.  Processor and/or drive speed seems to be where the issues are coming from but not sure which comes first or what to do as I would think I should have ample resources.


When I don’t have Gluster running, I can run “hdparm –Tt /dev/sdb” and consistently get over 110MB/sec.  Granted I am using 7200 rpm SATA3 drives but for 7 VMs that are all very quiet, I find it hard to believe they are not fast enough.  When I run GlusterFS with the bricks on that drive (and nothing else running on those drives), I have seen that speed slow down to 20MB/sec.  As I type this, one of the systems has 5 VMs up on it and the other has 2 and both experience the same thing.  A quick look at the output of “top” will show load average of 15-20 and sometimes even higher.  Again, the VMs are running but I have checked and they are not doing much of anything other than running.


When I originally set this up, I didn't have any extra config settings in place but as you can see from the output, I do now, although none have helped thus far.  I am connecting to GlusterFS utilizing the built-in NFS server (v3 but that doesn’t seem to matter either) with options noatime, nodiratime, rsize=65536, and wsize=65536 but they didn't seem to make much of a difference either.


So to sum up, the problem seems to be all the heals going on.  What can I do to get this back under control?  Luckily it’s in a lab environment so I can experiment a bit.  Here is some additional info that may be of assistance and thank you in advance:


gluster volume info gv0:

Volume Name: gv0

Type: Replicate

Volume ID: 14e7bb9c-aa5e-4386-8dd2-83a88d93dc54

Status: Started

Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3

Transport-type: tcp


Brick1: server1:/export/brick1

Brick2: server2:/export/brick1

Brick3: kvm:/export/brick1

Options Reconfigured:

nfs.acl: off

performance.readdir-ahead: on

performance.quick-read: off

performance.read-ahead: off

performance.io-cache: off

performance.stat-prefetch: off

cluster.eager-lock: enable

network.remote-dio: enable



I gathered this with load averages of approximately 12 so it has been much higher

gluster volume status gv0 info:

Status of volume: gv0


Brick                : Brick server1:/export/brick1

TCP Port             : 49152

RDMA Port            : 0

Online               : Y

Pid                  : 4409

File System          : ext3

Device               : /dev/sdb1

Mount Options        : rw

Inode Size           : 128

Disk Space Free      : 1.7TB

Total Disk Space     : 1.8TB

Inode Count          : 244203520

Free Inodes          : 244203413


Brick                : Brick server2:/export/brick1

TCP Port             : 49152

RDMA Port            : 0

Online               : Y

Pid                  : 4535

File System          : ext3

Device               : /dev/sdb1

Mount Options        : rw

Inode Size           : 128

Disk Space Free      : 1.7TB

Total Disk Space     : 1.8TB

Inode Count          : 244203520

Free Inodes          : 244203405


gluster volume provile gv0 as follows:

Brick: server1:/export/brick1


Cumulative Stats:

   Block Size:                 16b+                 512b+                1024b+

No. of Reads:                    3                  1319                 39679

No. of Writes:                    3                 10804                   917


   Block Size:               2048b+                4096b+                8192b+

No. of Reads:                  673                 33872                  7199

No. of Writes:                 3642                219192                133087


   Block Size:              16384b+               32768b+               65536b+

No. of Reads:                 8808                 20790                  2275

No. of Writes:                52815                180145                  4910


   Block Size:             131072b+

No. of Reads:               952554

No. of Writes:              5558597

%-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop

---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us              5      FORGET

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us            755     RELEASE

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us            214  RELEASEDIR

      0.00       4.00 us       4.00 us       4.00 us              2     OPENDIR

      0.00     168.67 us      31.00 us     406.00 us              3     READDIR

      0.00     535.40 us      84.00 us    1612.00 us              5        OPEN

      0.00     975.33 us     916.00 us    1045.00 us              3   FTRUNCATE

      0.00     305.36 us      15.00 us   14784.00 us             59       FLUSH

      0.00   14988.50 us    9326.00 us   20651.00 us              2     XATTROP

      0.00   16257.40 us      61.00 us   58866.00 us             10      LOOKUP

      0.01   41136.33 us      37.00 us  219392.00 us              6    GETXATTR

      0.01  146916.50 us   51093.00 us  242740.00 us              2     SETATTR

      0.01     637.58 us      24.00 us  124014.00 us            651        READ

      0.02     241.17 us       6.00 us   75127.00 us           2553      ACCESS

      0.02     220.31 us      10.00 us   77807.00 us           3235        STAT

      0.10  223016.80 us   72200.00 us  681213.00 us             15       FSYNC

      0.79    1466.11 us      29.00 us  236061.00 us          18414    FXATTROP

      1.20    1392.82 us      13.00 us  842550.00 us          29201    FINODELK

     12.66    3079.72 us      19.00 us 1161311.00 us         139747     INODELK

     85.17   34610.43 us      56.00 us 2401944.00 us          83630       WRITE


    Duration: 81829 seconds

   Data Read: 126295937593 bytes

Data Written: 740051667513 bytes


Interval 7 Stats:

   Block Size:                512b+                1024b+                2048b+

No. of Reads:                    0                   234                     0

No. of Writes:                  171                     7                    16


   Block Size:               4096b+                8192b+               16384b+

No. of Reads:                    0                     0                     0

No. of Writes:                 1162                   472                   278


   Block Size:              32768b+               65536b+              131072b+

No. of Reads:                    1                     0                     0

No. of Writes:                 1593                    30                 36991


%-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop

---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us              1     RELEASE

      0.00       4.00 us       4.00 us       4.00 us              1     OPENDIR

      0.00     406.00 us     406.00 us     406.00 us              1     READDIR

      0.00     979.50 us     347.00 us    1612.00 us              2        OPEN

      0.00    1005.00 us     965.00 us    1045.00 us              2   FTRUNCATE

      0.00    9326.00 us    9326.00 us    9326.00 us              1     XATTROP

      0.00     656.32 us      27.00 us   14784.00 us             25       FLUSH

      0.00   51093.00 us   51093.00 us   51093.00 us              1     SETATTR

      0.01   16878.60 us     164.00 us   47828.00 us              5      LOOKUP

      0.01     363.44 us      24.00 us   47319.00 us            235        READ

      0.01     112.50 us      10.00 us   18678.00 us           1162        STAT

      0.02   78723.67 us      38.00 us  219392.00 us              3    GETXATTR

      0.03     387.51 us       7.00 us   75127.00 us            918      ACCESS

      0.16  426656.75 us  217375.00 us  681213.00 us              4       FSYNC

      0.51    1440.22 us      37.00 us  175074.00 us           3820    FXATTROP

      1.00    1311.97 us      16.00 us  842550.00 us           8218    FINODELK

     13.44    1951.10 us      23.00 us 1161311.00 us          73993     INODELK

     84.79   22359.52 us      56.00 us 2401944.00 us          40723       WRITE


    Duration: 394 seconds

   Data Read: 392192 bytes

Data Written: 4934906368 bytes


Brick: kvm:/export/brick1


Cumulative Stats:

   Block Size:                 16b+                 512b+                1024b+

No. of Reads:                    0                     0                     0

No. of Writes:                    5                 10288                   849


   Block Size:               2048b+                4096b+                8192b+

No. of Reads:                    0                     0                     0

No. of Writes:                 3399                206329                128093


   Block Size:              16384b+               32768b+               65536b+

No. of Reads:                    0                     0                     0

No. of Writes:                50427                175784                  4811


   Block Size:             131072b+

No. of Reads:                    0

No. of Writes:              6260106

%-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop

---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us            250     RELEASE

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us            144  RELEASEDIR


    Duration: 72903 seconds

   Data Read: 0 bytes

Data Written: 831653482591 bytes


Interval 7 Stats:

   Block Size:                512b+                1024b+                2048b+

No. of Reads:                    0                     0                     0

No. of Writes:                  171                     7                    16


   Block Size:               4096b+                8192b+               16384b+

No. of Reads:                    0                     0                     0

No. of Writes:                 1162                   472                   278


   Block Size:              32768b+               65536b+              131072b+

No. of Reads:                    0                     0                     0

No. of Writes:                 1593                    30                 36068


%-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop

---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us              1     RELEASE


    Duration: 394 seconds

   Data Read: 0 bytes

Data Written: 4813926912 bytes


Brick: server2:/export/brick1


Cumulative Stats:

   Block Size:                 16b+                 512b+                1024b+

No. of Reads:                    2                  1554                   187

No. of Writes:                    3                 10813                   920


   Block Size:               2048b+                4096b+                8192b+

No. of Reads:                    0                205139                 61200

No. of Writes:                 3642                219205                133087


   Block Size:              16384b+               32768b+               65536b+

No. of Reads:                41437                311428                  9278

No. of Writes:                52809                180141                  4853


   Block Size:             131072b+

No. of Reads:              5558571

No. of Writes:               292354

%-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop

---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us              5      FORGET

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us            795     RELEASE

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us            196  RELEASEDIR

      0.00      94.49 us      10.00 us    2660.00 us             59       FLUSH

      0.00    6859.40 us      78.00 us   16605.00 us              5        OPEN

      0.00   22617.50 us   11067.00 us   34168.00 us              2     XATTROP

      0.01   20768.00 us     112.00 us   81026.00 us              8      LOOKUP

      0.04   37279.69 us   19436.00 us   86934.00 us             13       FSYNC

      0.85     385.97 us      10.00 us  212031.00 us          28913    FINODELK

      1.33     951.03 us      34.00 us  221747.00 us          18400    FXATTROP

      1.62     303.60 us      22.00 us  231359.00 us          70024        READ

      9.25     868.44 us      16.00 us  407424.00 us         139714     INODELK

     86.89   82862.96 us      59.00 us  638518.00 us          13759       WRITE


    Duration: 82915 seconds

   Data Read: 744922109478 bytes

Data Written: 49788871225 bytes


Interval 7 Stats:

   Block Size:                512b+                1024b+                2048b+

No. of Reads:                   30                     0                     0

No. of Writes:                  171                     7                    16


   Block Size:               4096b+                8192b+               16384b+

No. of Reads:                   55                     4                    25

No. of Writes:                 1162                   472                   278


   Block Size:              32768b+               65536b+              131072b+

No. of Reads:                   30                     0                 37001

No. of Writes:                 1593                    30                     0


%-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop

---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----

      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us              1     RELEASE

      0.00      45.52 us      10.00 us      91.00 us             25       FLUSH

      0.00   11067.00 us   11067.00 us   11067.00 us              1     XATTROP

      0.00    9621.00 us    2637.00 us   16605.00 us              2        OPEN

      0.03   44736.33 us   19436.00 us   86934.00 us              3       FSYNC

      0.03   33648.00 us     129.00 us   81026.00 us              4      LOOKUP

      1.21    1351.63 us      35.00 us  123188.00 us           3820    FXATTROP

      1.21     634.89 us      10.00 us  212031.00 us           8156    FINODELK

      2.96     339.80 us      22.00 us  231359.00 us          37145        READ

     12.90     743.44 us      17.00 us  407424.00 us          74014     INODELK

     81.64   93359.19 us      64.00 us  442704.00 us           3729       WRITE


    Duration: 394 seconds

   Data Read: 4851727360 bytes

Data Written: 86422016 bytes

Thank you.

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