Not really. this is useful as it distributes the snapshot control over all the cluster members, I am looking for the ability to specify a snapshot schedule like this :
frequent snapshots every 15 mins, keeping 4 snapshots
hourly snapshots every hour, keeping 24 snapshots
daily snapshots every day, keeping 31 snapshots
weekly snapshots every week, keeping 7 snapshots
monthly snapshots every month, keeping 12 snapshots.
Clearly this could be handled via the scheduling as described, but the feature that is missing is user friendly labeling so that users don't have to parse long time-stamps in the snapshot name to figure out what is the most recent snapshot. Ideally they could have labels like "Now", "Fifteen Minutes Ago", "Thirty Minutes Ago", "Sunday", "Last Week" etc. The system should handle rotating the labels automatically, when necessary. So some sort of ability to create and manipulate labels on snapshots and then expose them as links in the .snaps directory would probably be a start.
On 15 September 2015 at 01:35, Rajesh Joseph <rjoseph@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Are you looking for something like this ?
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alastair Neil" <>
> To: "gluster-users" <gluster-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 2:24:32 AM
> Subject: autosnap feature?
> Wondering if there were any plans for a fexible and easy to use snapshotting
> feature along the lines of zfs autosnap scipts. I imagine at the least it
> would need the ability to rename snapshots.
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