I have two servers with replica 2 setup, with total of 380GB of disk
space ( gluster volume create datastore replica 2 transport tcp
server1:/datastore server2:/datastore).
I'd need to add more capacity to the servers, I know I need to add 2
more servers to the configuration, however do they need to be with the
same disk size ? Meaning, if I add a 2 VMs with 20GB bricks, that would
expand the volume by 20GB ?
Second part is mounting, I'm curious if anything would change in the
current fstab entry:
server1:/datastore /mnt/datastore glusterfs
default,_netdev,backupvolfile-server=server2 0 0
Gluster would properly utilize all 4 servers in this case, or fstab
entry needs to be modified ?
Thank you!
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