thank you for the recommendation on parameters.I tried:gs2:/volume1 /data/nfs glusterfs defaults,_netdev,backupvolfile-server=gs1,noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8,logbsize=256k,largeio,inode64,swalloc,allocsize=131072k,nobarrier 0 0
The system reports:
#sudo mount -a
Invalid option noatime
Same with nodiratime and logbufs as soon as I remove noatime
2015-08-24 16:48 GMT+02:00 Mathieu Chateau <mathieu.chateau@xxxxxxx>:Re,putting back mailing list so they keep up.With newer version, fuse perform much better, and provide transparent failover. As both brick are 2 VM in same host, latency will not be an issue.Most important is to ensure you have drivers /tools inside VM to get best perf.on client and servers, I use this in /etc/sysctl.confvm.swappiness=0
# increase Linux autotuning TCP buffer limit to 32MB
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 87380 33554432"
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 65536 33554432"
# increase the length of the processor input queue
# recommended default congestion control is htcp
options I set on gluster volumes:
server.allow-insecure: on
performance.client-io-threads: on on
performance.readdir-ahead: enable
performance.cache-size: 1GB 16Options I set on brick in fstab for XFS mounted volumes used by gluster:
2015-08-24 16:11 GMT+02:00 Merlin Morgenstern <merlin.morgenstern@xxxxxxxxx>:re your questions:> did you do some basic tuning to help anyway ?no, this is a basica setup. Can you please direct me to the most important tuning parameters to look at?> using latest version ?glusterfs 3.7.3 built on Jul 28 2015 15:14:43> in replication or only distributed ?re 2> Why using NFS and not native fuse client to mount volume?I was reading that the NFS-Client is better with small files. (typical 2-20KB in my case)> did you install VM tools (if using VMware fusion) ?I am using virtualbox 5.0.3 on Mac OS X 10.102015-08-24 16:01 GMT+02:00 Mathieu Chateau <mathieu.chateau@xxxxxxx>:Hello,did you do some basic tuning to help anyway ?using latest version ?in replication or only distributed ?Why using NFS and not native fuse client to mount volume?did you install VM tools (if using VMware fusion) ?2015-08-24 15:20 GMT+02:00 Merlin Morgenstern <merlin.morgenstern@xxxxxxxxx>:_______________________________________________I am running into trouble while syncing (rsync, cp ... ) my files to glusterfs. After about 50K files, one machine dies and has to be rebooted.As there are about 300K files in one directory, I am thinking about to cluster that in a directory structure in order to overcome that problem.e.g. /0001/filename /0002/filenameThat would cut down the amount of files in one directory. However this is something I would like to avoid if possible due to SEO - changing the url of the file brings a lot of trouble.The system underneith are 2 seperate VM instances, each running ubuntu 14.04. Cluster NFS client on same machine as Gluster server. Macbook Pro 13 retina with capable SSD and 1G internal network between the VMs.Thank you for any help on this.
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