Please let us know the version of Gluster you are using.
Geo-replication uses rsync to sync the files, but detects the list of
changes using Changelog.
Is Geo-rep status command showing Faulty? if yes you may find errors in
the log file (/var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication/)
On 08/18/2015 02:08 PM, Milos Cuculovic - MDPI wrote:
Hi All,
I am using geo-replication on 4.4 TB of storage data.
It took some time to do the initial sync, but since a week this was
finished, the problem is that I still have around 140 GB of data
Any ide why? How is the sync process called? Does this use rsync?
Thank you.
-- Kindest regards,
Milos Cuculovic
IT Manager
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