# gluster volume status all
Status of volume: vol_home
Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
Brick ib-storage1:/export/brick_home/brick1
/data 49159 49165 Y 6547
Brick ib-storage2:/export/brick_home/brick1
/data 49161 49173 Y 24348
Brick ib-storage3:/export/brick_home/brick1
/data 49152 49156 Y 5616
Brick ib-storage4:/export/brick_home/brick1
/data 49152 49162 Y 5424
Brick ib-storage1:/export/brick_home/brick2
/data 49160 49166 Y 6548
Brick ib-storage2:/export/brick_home/brick2
/data 49162 49174 Y 24355
Brick ib-storage3:/export/brick_home/brick2
/data 49153 49157 Y 5635
Brick ib-storage4:/export/brick_home/brick2
/data 49153 49163 Y 5443
Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y 6534
Self-heal Daemon on ib-storage3 N/A N/A Y 7656
Self-heal Daemon on ib-storage2 N/A N/A Y 24519
Self-heal Daemon on ib-storage4 N/A N/A Y 7288
Task Status of Volume vol_home
There are no active volume tasks
Status of volume: vol_shared
Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
Brick ib-storage1:/export/brick_shared/data 49152 49164 Y 6554
Brick ib-storage2:/export/brick_shared/data 49152 49172 Y 24362
Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y 6534
Self-heal Daemon on ib-storage3 N/A N/A Y 7656
Self-heal Daemon on ib-storage2 N/A N/A Y 24519
Self-heal Daemon on ib-storage4 N/A N/A Y 7288
Task Status of Volume vol_shared
There are no active volume tasks
Status of volume: vol_workdir_amd
Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
Brick ib-storage1:/export/brick_workdir/bri
ck1/data 49191 49192 Y 6555
Brick ib-storage3:/export/brick_workdir/bri
ck1/data 49164 49165 Y 6368
Brick ib-storage1:/export/brick_workdir/bri
ck2/data 49193 49194 Y 6576
Brick ib-storage3:/export/brick_workdir/bri
ck2/data 49166 49167 Y 6387
Task Status of Volume vol_workdir_amd
There are no active volume tasks
Status of volume: vol_workdir_intel
Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
Brick ib-storage2:/export/brick_workdir/bri
ck1/data 49175 49176 Y 24371
Brick ib-storage2:/export/brick_workdir/bri
ck2/data 49177 49178 Y 24372
Brick ib-storage4:/export/brick_workdir/bri
ck1/data 49164 49165 Y 5571
Brick ib-storage4:/export/brick_workdir/bri
ck2/data 49166 49167 Y 5590
Task Status of Volume vol_workdir_intel
There are no active volume tasks