On 07/15/2015 07:39 PM, Gregor Burck wrote:
Hi Ravi,
Hi Gregor,
Please retain the CC to gluster-users when you reply.
That should not be the case, can you provide the client (mount) logs
and the brick logs when this happens? Replicate translator returns
EROFS usually when quorum is not met.
Which is the mount log?
Is it this: /var/log/glusterfs/import-vbstore.log ?
The brick log I think is this:
Right again. Please include these logs from all the nodes when you
reboot the 3rd node and the VM goes read only.
Here I see something special, the time is out of sync.
date: Mi 15. Jul 16:04:38 CEST 2015
log file entry: [2015-07-15 14:03:56.009191]
The system time should be europe/berlin, but in the log I got
greenwich time?
When the logfiles right, I clear them, after that I restart an node.
Thank you for help!
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