On 22 May 2015 at 12:11, Patrick Ernst <patrick.ernst@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi there,
I'm planning to setup a 3-Node Cluster for oVirt and would like to use 56 GBe (RoCe)
exclusively for GlusterFS. Since 56 GBe switches are far too expensive and it's not
planned to add more nodes and furthermore this would add a SPOF I'd like to
cross connect the nodes as shown in the diagram below:
Node 1 Node 2 Node3
This way there's a dedicated 56 Gbit connection to/from each member node.
Is is possible to do this with GlusterFS?
IIUC, you have a 56Gbe dedicated network among glusterfs servers. Right?
If that is correct, it's not going to help much. In glusterfs clustering (distribution/replication) is done by the client. So having a faster connection from client to servers would be helpful.
Only glusterds (and glustershd as well???) talk to each other among servers. Maybe be someone can elaborate more.
My first thought was to have different IPs on each node's /etc/host mapped to the node
hostnames but I'm unsure if I can force GlusterFS to hostnames instead of IPs.
Yes, you can use any properly resolvable hostname with gluster.
Best Regards,
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