Title: Signature electronique
Hi Vijay
04/21/2015 02:08 PM, Pierre Léonard wrote:
Hi All,
I have a list of directory as the following :
rm: cannot remove `calendar-data': Directory not empty
which is apparently empty but cannot be remove with the usual
linux command.
Is there a gluster command to solve that problem ?
Is this being observed with 3.6.2?
Sorry I did not the contexte :
- it's a volume with 14 nodes ;
- stripe 7 ;
- last release 2.6.2-1 ;
This file had been created with cobian backup every night. Now it
do a n archive.
I have search on the web but without having a real solution. It's
means that the problem has not a good diagnostic.
I do a rebalance of the volume And I will re test the remove.
Many thanks.
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