Title: Signature electronique
From: "Pierre Léonard" <pleonard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: gluster-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 6:30:46 PM
Subject: Re: file changed as we read it
Hi ,
I thank you for your quick answer.
This bug was recently fixed by the following four patches:
The fixes will become available in 3.6.3 and 3.5.4.
As a workaround, could you try the following two steps:
1. disable performance.stat-prefetch on the volume (by executing `gluster volume set <volname> performance.stat-prefetch off`)
2. unmount and mount the volume with use-readdirp=no on the client:
Ex: mount -t glusterfs -o use-readdirp=no kritika:/rep /mnt
and see if it fixes the issue for you?
Meanwhile, may I know what version of gluster you are using?
I use on that cluster 3.4.1
I have another cluster with 3.6.2
I think that I will survive still the 3.6.3. Is there any problem to jump from 3.4.1 to 3.6.3 ?
This should not be a problem. You just need to make sure there are NO pending self-heals on the volume(s) before you stop them for upgrade.

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