For detailed information, please look at this email because it contains
much information about things to be aware of:
As a general rule, having few big replicas will reduce the time needed
to rebalance the volume when it's expanded with more bricks, but the
time needed to heal one brick will be higher.
On the other hand, many small replicas will be healed faster, but
rebalance will take more time.
Regarding RDMA, it's considered tech preview now. In theory it will be
fully supported starting with 3.6.2.
On 01/09/2015 09:35 PM, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:
2014-12-25 21:57 GMT+01:00 Gandalf Corvotempesta
And what about hardware? Do you have suggestions?
Actually I have 3 of these supermicro server: 6027R-E1R12T
All with 2 SSD and 1 Infiniband DDR dualport.
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