On 01/08/2015 11:21 PM, Michael Bushey wrote:
On web1 and web2 I purged the gluster packages, did an "rm -rf
/etc/glusterd /var/lib/glusterd" and then "apt-get install
glusterfs-client glusterfs-server". Both web1 and web2 were still not
able to peer with web3 and web4 but I was able to peer web1 with web2
again and set the volumes back up.
How do I figure out what "unknown errno 107" actually means?
107 refers to an error number value from errno.h:
#define ENOTCONN 107 /* Transport endpoint is not connected */
ENOTCONN errors are usually seen when there is some problem with network
connectivity. You can check the glusterd log files on a pair of peers to
understand what's happening. Output of "gluster peer status" can also
help in determining if there is a network problem.
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