Before you rush into posting and reposting issue on the mailing list try
first to:
Get into glustefs irc channel at and try to get live help.
And it will not help you to spam the list....
You need to post the relevant information:
glusterfs versions of server and client
OS version
df output
I can still do not understand the basics about your setup..
On 09/16/2014 09:41 PM, Greg Scott wrote:
This seems like such an innocent question. I have a firewall system
controlling tunnels all over the USA. It’s an HA setup with two nodes.
And I use Gluster to keep all the configs and logs replicated.
It’s an active/standby system and it’s been in place for something like
3 years. The standby had a catastrophic hardware failure a while ago
and it looks like it needs a new motherboard. We have people
rebuilding the hardware. The standby hard drive seems fine.
But now the primary system repeatedly stalls its I/Os, sometimes to
directories that aren’t even part of Glusterfs. And the problem is
getting worse day by day, hour by hour. Before they barbecue me, how do
I tell Gluster to temporarily take the failed node offline while the
motherboard is replaced, then put it back in service and copy everything
over to it? I don’t want to completely remove the brick because when
the hardware is repaired and we start it up again, I want it to join
back up and have everything replicate over to it.
So for now – what can I do on the surviving node to tell it not to try
to replicate until further notice, and then how to I tell it to go back
to normal when I get the standby system back online?
-Greg Scott
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