On 08/05/2014 09:16 PM, Ryan Clough
I spoke too soon. Runing "ls -lR" on one of
our largest directory structures overnight has
caused glusterfs to use lots of memory. It
appears as though glusterfs process is still
gradually consuming more and more memory. I
have tried to release the memory forcefully by
issuing this command:
sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
But glusterfs holds on to its memory. The high
memory is also expressed on the client side as
well as on the server side.
Right now both of my brick servers are using
about 7GB of RAM for the glusterfs process and
the client that is running the "ls -lR" is using
about 8GB of RAM. Below are some basic
specifications of my hardware. Both server and
client are running version 3.5.2. I have
attached a statedump of the client glusterfs.
Could you please send out statedumps please. That should help us
figure out what the problem is.
Dual 6-core Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620 0 @ 2.00GHz (HT
is on)
2 - 500GB SATA drives in RAID1 for OS
12 - 3TB SATA drives in RAID6 with LVM and XFS for data
Client hardware:
Dual 8-core AMD OpteronProcessor 6128
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