I second Jason, either the quorum=auto has to be disabled or just add one more server to the trusted pool and find the result .
On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 12:22 AM, Jason Brooks <jbrooks@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The guide says that quorum-type=auto sets a rule such that at least half
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Vince Loschiavo" <vloschiavo@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: gluster-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 9:22:16 AM
> Subject: Virt-store use case - HA failure issue - suggestions needed
> I'm currently testing Gluster 3.5.1 in a two server QEMU/KVM environment.
> Centos 6.5:
> Two servers (KVM07 & KVM08), Two brick (one brick per server) replicated
> volume
> I've tuned the volume per the documentation here:
> http://gluster.org/documentation/use_cases/Virt-store-usecase/
> I have the gluster volume fuse mounted on KVM07 and KVM08 and am using it
> to store raw disk images.
> KVM is using the fuse mounted volume as a "dir: Filesystem Directory:
> storage pool.
> With setting dynamic_ownership = 0 in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf and chown-ing
> the files to qemu:qemu, live migration works great.
> Problem:
> If I need to take down one of these servers for maintenance, I live migrate
> the VMs to the other server.
> service gluster stop
> then kill all the remaining gluster and brick processes.
of the bricks in the replica group should be UP and running. If not,
the replica group becomes read-only. I think the rule is actually 51%,
so bringing down one of the two servers makes your volume read-only.
If you want two servers, you need to unset this rule. Better to add a
third server and a third replica, though.
Regards, Jason
> _______________________________________________
> At this point, the VMs die. The Fuse mount recovers and remains attached
> to the volume via the other server, but the VIRT disk images are not fully
> synced.
> This causes the VMs to go into a read-only files system state, then kernel
> panic. Reboots/restarts of the VMs just cause kernel panics. This
> effectively brings down the two node cluster.
> Bringing back up the gluster node / bricks /etc, prompts a self-heal. Once
> self-heal is completed, the VMs can boot normally.
> Question: is there a better way to accomplish HA with live/running Virt
> images? The goal is to be able to bring down any one server in the pair
> and perform maintenance without interrupting the VMs.
> I assume my shutdown process is flawed but haven't been able to find a
> better process.
> Any suggestions are welcome.
> --
> -Vince Loschiavo
> Gluster-users mailing list
> Gluster-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> http://supercolony.gluster.org/mailman/listinfo/gluster-users
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