Take a look at this:
key = "storage.owner-uid"
key = "storage.owner-gid
By default its set to -1, so its owned/mounted by what the mount post is
listed as.
Try setting the owner-gid to the users group.
On 05/09/14 08:28, Tom Young wrote:
I have two gluster servers running a volume “home”, and a client server
where the volume home is mounted to /homegfs. If I reboot one of the
gluster server nodes, and it comes all the way back up, I noticed that
the group ownership of the mount changed on the client side from
root.users to root.root. Now the second server stays up, and I can
access the volume while server 1 is rebooting, but once gluster starts
on server 1, the volume group ownership changes, and access to the mount
is inaccessible to all but the root user and root group. Permissions
stay the same.
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John J. Hoffman, CISSP
Computer Engineer, AFRL/RCMI
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