All these problems disappeared with a client unmount / remount of the gluster filesystem.
A remarkably simple fix for such a bizarre set of symptoms. We'll see how systemic the fix is, but all cluster nodes that have had that fix applied are now behaving normally (AFAICT) and the 2 that have not (due to long-running jobs writing to new files on existing dirs) still have the otherwise odd behavior, previously described in excruciating detail.
Maybe this should be added to the HOWTO/DOTHISINCASEOFEMERGENCY doc.
--- Harry Mangalam - Research Computing, OIT, Rm 225 MSTB, UC Irvine [m/c 2225] / 92697 Google Voice Multiplexer: (949) 478-4487 415 South Circle View Dr, Irvine, CA, 92697 [shipping] MSTB Lat/Long: (33.642025,-117.844414) (paste into Google Maps) ---
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