On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Anand Avati <avati at gluster.org> wrote: > In normal operations they will differ as much as the time drift between the > servers + lag in delivery/issue of write() calls on the servers. This delta > is "fixed up" by consistently returning the highest of the two mtimes > whenever queried. But lets says we have replica == 2. On server A this mtime is 4:45 On server B this mtime is 4:46 So fuse queries the times, and it returns the max, which is 4:46. All is good. Suppose now that server B is down, and the query is run again. It should now return 4:45, although this means that file has changed mtime. This could break client operations, which may care about a change in mtime. Note that I don't expect differences of 1 minute, but I just chose arbitrary values to make understanding the example easier. So isn't this a bug? Cheers, James