Maybe I am dealing with a systemd timing glitch because I can do my mount by hand on both nodes. I do ls /firewall-scripts, confirm it's empty, then mount -av, and then another ls /firewall-scripts and now my files show up. Both nodes behave identically. [root at chicago-fw2 rc.d]# nano /var/log/messages [root at chicago-fw2 rc.d]# ls /firewall-scripts [root at chicago-fw2 rc.d]# mount -av / : ignored /boot : already mounted /boot/efi : already mounted /gluster-fw2 : already mounted swap : ignored extra arguments at end (ignored) /firewall-scripts : successfully mounted [root at chicago-fw2 rc.d]# ls /firewall-scripts allow-all lost+found allow-all-with-nat fwdate.txt rc.firewall etc initial_rc.firewall rcfirewall.conf var [root at chicago-fw2 rc.d]# - Greg