this option is not yet backported to 3.3.x branch IMO. if coalesce option is used xfs prealloc issue and perf issue with kernel read aheads will be solved. -Amar "Kaleb S. KEITHLEY" <kkeithle at> wrote: On 01/11/2013 12:05 AM, glusterzhxue wrote: > We met a stripe problem. The problem was discussed at > . We > want to > set coalesce on, but failed as follows: > [root at gluster001 ~]# gluster volume set test-volume2 stripe-coalesce on > option : stripe-coalesce does not exist cluster.stripe-coalesce is the option you need to set. `gluster volume set test-volume2 cluster.stripe-coalesce on` -- Kaleb _______________________________________________ Gluster-users mailing list Gluster-users at