I've got a bunch, but I'll start with my current one: [root at sum1-gstore01 ~]# gluster volume geo-replication gstore status MASTER SLAVE STATUS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- but ps axf |grep gsync shows lots of procs, and /var/lib/glusterd/vols/gstore/info shows a couple slave entires. trying to turn off geo indexing yeilds: [root at sum1-gstore01 ~]# gluster volume set gstore geo-replication.indexing off geo-replication.indexing cannot be disabled while geo-replication sessions exist Set volume unsuccessful so, my question is, how to do i stop these outright? I'm been pinging IRC, but its pretty dead in there, and attempts to subscribe to this list have been failing too.... -- Matthew Nicholson matthew_nicholson at harvard.edu Research Computing Specialist FAS Research Computing Harvard University