Dear All- I have just discovered that the volume I've been having the most trouble with contains over 3.3 million directories. Most of these are output from a storm tracking model that produces output in a large number of directories, each containing a handful of small files. Is this number of directories in a distributed-replicate volume unusual, and should I expect it to cause problems for GlusterFS? The layout fix operation that follows the addition of new bricks takes a very long time (weeks-months) and seems to result in a high CPU load. The volume has a capacity of 52TB and the bricks are 3.3TB in size. -Dan. -- Dan Bretherton ESSC Computer System Manager Department of Meteorology Harry Pitt Building, 3 Earley Gate University of Reading Reading, RG6 7BE (or RG6 6AL for postal service deliveries) UK Tel. +44 118 378 5205, Fax: +44 118 378 6413 -- ## Please sponsor me to run in VSO's 30km Race to the Eye ## ## ##