Many small files is in general not going to give you good performance - a lot of time is spent locking each individual file (and directory) as it is written. You would see vast improvements simply by cramming all the small files into a big file (obviously this would require changes in the application). On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 6:12 AM, Victor Hugo Martinucci Beliz?rio <vbelizario at> wrote: > > > -- Hey Masters! > > Please help me. > > I'm testing GlusterFs on company, working with 2 milions of small files, > total size its 200 GB. > GlusterFs its a very powerfull toll to sync and replicate files, and i > decide to try it. > The files are in the server srv01, and i did create the server srv02 to > replicate the files and initialize the sync between him. > Created the volume, started the volume and the sync are ok. > > But...after 5 hours, just 2 GB of files are in the srv02. The sync its very > very slow...less 1 MB/s. > > 2 Questions: > > 1) In the tunning options, what are the better options to tunning the volume > to this cenario, a lot of small files with glusterFS ? > > 2) i have read in some site, when a client read a file, the Gluster check > all servers for the file integrity, and this make more slow the process. How > i can turn off this feature? > > Thanks Very Much, > > Victor > > _______________________________________________ > Gluster-users mailing list > Gluster-users at >